Space Explorers: The View from Outer Space
On the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1982, she became the first American woman to go up in space.
He went from Boy Scout to aerospace engineer to first African American in space as an astronaut on the Challenger flight.
John Glenn on his hero, his wife: Annie inspired a lot of people to get treatment for their disabilities. Through the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA), she would meet with people to tell her story and how she stuck with her treatment. by John Glenn
Her first mission was aboard the STS 61-A Challenger. Bonnie Dunbar also started a scholars program for students in aerospace and engineering.
Scientists: Making Space Exploration Possible
Instrumental in the first artificial Earth satellite, reaching the Moon and Venus, and the first flight of Yuri Gagarin
Researches the evolution of the solar system through planetary bodies like asteroids and comets.
Her research helped prove the existence of a black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
Women in Astronomy
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Website
"Who Are the Black Astronomers and Astrophysicists?"
State University of New York at Buffalo
From the UN World Space Week site
Official site of NASA
Official Site of the Hubble Spacecraft
Organizer created on 10/2/2017 2:44:42 PM by Xenia Shin
Last edited 10/21/2018 11:57:22 PM by Jeanne Meyers