
For kids: On the road
with Atka, the wolf

by Kathryn Perry
Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor
Permission to use this material
was granted by The Christian Science Monitor .

"He's an ambassador on an important mission."
Rebecca Bose, holds the leash of Atka, an arctic wolf, at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, N.Y. The curators of the center take Atka on trips to schools and museums as an ambassador to educate the public about wolves and the environment.
Rebecca Bose, holds the leash of Atka, an arctic wolf, at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, N.Y. The curators of the center take Atka on trips to schools and museums as an ambassador to educate the public about wolves and the environment.

South Salem, N.Y. I'm sitting in the back seat of a van next to a large, black, wire cage, the kind you might use to take a dog to the vet. The animal inside the cage isn't a dog, though. He's a 90-pound arctic wolf. He's as tall as a German shepherd, with a thick, white coat and bright yellow eyes.

A moment ago, the wolf looked at me and began licking the bars of the cage. So – even though I knew I shouldn't – I stuck my fingers into the cage.

Fortunately for me, this wolf has manners. He isn't biting my fingers. Instead, he's licking them.

Still, I wouldn't have considered doing this with any ordinary wolf. This wolf is special. His name is Atka and he is an ambassador wolf. Atka is one of four ambassador wolves who live at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, N.Y. These wolves are called ambassadors because their job is to represent their species and to teach people about it. Atka differs from the other three ambassadors in one way: He visits many different places as part of his job. Today, I am going with Atka and two of his human handlers, Maggie Howell and Rebecca Bose, to St. Luke's School in New Canaan, Conn., where he will help teach a sixth-grade class about wolves and the environment.

While we drive and Atka watches the snowy fields roll past the window, Rebecca tells me about how he got such an unusual job.

"When we got him, Atka was 8 days old," she says. "He came from a facility in Minnesota where they breed wolves in captivity for zoos and or nature centers such as ours. From the very beginning, we worked with him with the thought that he might be able to go and do off-site programs. We took him to the post office and the bank and on various errands. We worked with him and the leash, getting into and out of vehicles, that sort of thing. He seemed to embrace this lifestyle – always curious and happy to go and see new things."

I ask Rebecca what other sorts of places Atka visits as part of his ambassadorial duties.

"Atka visits libraries, universities, festivals, scout meetings, museums, hospitals, and retirement homes," she answers. "He is a very unusual, special animal. We are blessed to have him."

Atka visits a sixth-grade class at St. Luke's School in New Canaan, Conn.
Atka visits a sixth-grade class at St. Luke's School in New Canaan, Conn.

When we arrive at the school, Atka waits outside with Rebecca while Maggie gives a presentation to the class, which has gathered in the gymnasium in front of a projector screen. "First, you're going to learn some stuff about wolves, and then you're going to meet our special friend, Atka," says Maggie. "So, how many of you think you might be scared of wolves?"

Several of the kids raise their hands. "That's OK," says Maggie.

She clicks the projector's remote, and a picture appears on the screen. It's a still from the Disney movie "Beauty and the Beast," and it shows the heroine, Belle, surrounded by a pack of fierce-looking wolves. "Many stories about wolves teach us to be scared of wolves," Maggie explains. "There are a lot of stories where wolves play the bad guy. But how many of you have dogs?" Several more kids raise their hands.

"If you have a dog, you live with the closest cousin of the wolf right in your house!" she says.

Maggie goes on to explain how wolves play an important role in the ecosystem. "Everything in nature has a job to do. In this ecosystem, wolves are what we call a keystone predator. That means that wolves affect every level of that ecosystem."

Without wolves, the system becomes unbalanced, says Maggie. Animals that would normally be food for the wolves, such as deer, are no longer hunted by humans and so their populations explode. Too many deer eat too many plants, and soon plant-eating bugs no longer have any food. That means the birds that eat those bugs no longer have any food, and so on, all the way around the food chain.

When the presentation is over, Rebecca brings Atka into the gymnasium on a long, sturdy leash. As soon as he appears, all the kids gasp. Atka doesn't seem to notice. He pads across the room calmly, occasionally raising his head to sniff the air. He makes his way to the bleachers. Atka pokes his nose into a jacket lying on a seat and wuffles around. Then he sticks his head under the bleachers. Not finding anything of interest, he pulls his head out and looks around some more. He moseys up and down the bleacher stairs.

While he walks, Maggie answers questions about wolves. That dark spot on the back of Atka's tail? It marks a scent gland that helps him mark his territory – which he sometimes does when he visits new places. What does Atka eat? Things like salmon and venison, with the occasional treat, such as bananas. (Later, Rebecca tells me, "We always try to give the wolves new things to enrich their lives – different types of fruits, vegetables, or spices. The banana was a huge hit.")

"It was so cool, Atka came right up next to me!" says Emma Crowley, a student, after the assembly.

"I thought Atka coming to school was really fun," says Perry Barringer. "He was walking all over the place. I wish he had marked his territory, though."

As we load Atka back into his cage in the van, Rebecca tells me that these trips are very important tools for teaching people about wolves.

"He is able to reach far more people by traveling," she says. "For example, some kids he sees are inner-city kids who would have a difficult time getting [to the nature center]. He helps us spread our word.

"Many people are affected in a positive way after seeing a wolf in person for the first time. He really drives our mission home with just his magnificent presence."

Page created on 3/6/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/6/2009 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Atka, the wolf - Atka is the oldest ambassador wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC).
Gerald Durrell - established the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust for endangered species.
The Wolf Conservation Center - promotes wolf conservation by teaching about wolves, their relationship to the environment, and the human role in protecting their future.
The International Wolf Conservation Center - founded in 1948, is the foremost international conservation organization bringing together 78 states, 112 government agencies, 735 NGOs, 35 affiliates, and some 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries in a unique worldwide partnership.

Extra Info

• Arctic wolves are a subspecies of the gray wolf.

• Their prey includes caribou, musk oxen, Arctic hares, lemmings, seals, and birds.

• They can eat up to 20 pounds of food in one sitting.

• Because food is scarce in the Arctic, wolves don't waste any of it. They will eat the skin, fur, and bones of their prey.

• Wolves will travel for long distances by trotting at about 5 miles per hour. To catch prey, they can run at speeds of 36 to 38 m.p.h. for short bursts.

• Arctic wolves live in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland. They are the only subspecies of the gray wolf that still can be found over the whole of its original range. This is mostly because in their natural habitat, they rarely encounter humans.

• They communicate through body language, howling, and marking.

• The Arctic wolf's scientific name is Canis lupus arctos. It is also sometimes called the polar wolf or the white wolf.

• Adult arctic wolves have 42 teeth (adult humans have 32).

• Arctic wolves live in groups called packs. The number of wolves in a pack averages between six and 10.

• Arctic wolves are well-adapted to the icy conditions of their habitat. They have long, thick white fur; a short muzzle; and small, rounded ears to help prevent heat loss. They also have fur between their paw pads and shorter legs than most gray wolf subspecies.