
Drew King

by Leah from Milwaukee

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     When I think of the word hero, it's hard to match a person to that title. But digging deeper, a hero is someone who is inspiring. Inspiring people can be anyone; friends family, neighbors, classmates. However not all inspiring people are people I want to try to be like. And that is what makes a hero in my mind. Someone to look up to who makes you strive to do better things with your life.

      For me, that person is Drew King. I met Drew in 6th grade and ever since that moment, my life has been changed for the better. Even from that young age he was an extremely inspiring person. He always lent a hand to a friend in need. When someone was being bullied he stepped in and made sure that everyone was treated with respect. When I had a problem I always knew I could go to Drew for help.

      From a young age, Drew was aware that school was a little harder for him than everyone else. In 5th grade he was diagnosed with dyslexia. This was the biggest battle that he had to fight in his young life. At first, he was devastated. He thought that this made him different from everyone else and that he wouldn't fit in. Slowly he began to accept that he would have to work harder to achieve his goals. He began studying more and asked his teachers for extra help. Through the positive encouragement from his friends and family, Drew has become a person to be proud of.

      To say that Drew has accepted his dyslexia is an understatement. He has now fully embraced it. Instead of making excuses, he works hard and helps others who have learning problems as well. He is now a bright young man who stands up for what he believes in and doesn't give in to pressure from his peers to participate in negative activities. Drew always puts others before himself. After high school he is planning on joining the army to help protect his country. Once he completes his military service he will be attending college in order to become a civil engineer.

       If everyone had the same strength and determination that Drew King has, the world would be a more productive place. He has overcome a big struggle in his life and can now use his positive traits to help others and serve our country. When life puts an obstacle in the way of his goals he takes it step by step and never gives up and that makes him a hero.

Page created on 3/28/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/25/2019 8:58:20 PM

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