
Jane Goodall

by Jessica from Romeoville

Jane Goodall, recently
Jane Goodall, recently

I picked Jane Goodall as my hero because she inspires me to do the right thing. She helps wildlife, which is great, and she tries to make the world a better place for animals. When she was a child Jane pursued becoming a wildlife expert. When she was about 20 years old, she had a job as a film documentary, until a school friend showed her about this job. She went to Gombi for 40 years to study chimpanzees. In July, 1957 Jane met anthropologist and paleontologist Louis S.B. Leakey. Jane and Louis studied together for about 20 years out of the 40 years in Gombi. Jane had some hard times, and good times in Gombi. One time, she went into the forest and there were about 4 to 6 chimpanzees around her. She had to get down and sound like a chimp.

The other reason why I chose Jane was because she inspires me to go out into the world and help animals. Jane Goodall is the nicest person in the world to animals. Jane started college at South Kensington in Spring 1954. In the summer Jane was allowed to bring Hamlet, her hamster. Jane got her Ph.D in 1965 [ethology] at Cambridge University. Soon after, she returned to Tanzania to continue research and to establish the Gombi Stream Research Centre. Jane founded the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research in 1977.

Jane and a big chimp
Jane and a big chimp

I personally think she is the greatest person ever to help and animals. Every time I talk about her I think people just see her as a person that helps animals, but to me she is and inspiring woman. In books, on the internet, and anywhere else, all I see is pictures of her. She means more to me, because she helps animals and never gives up on her dreams. The one reason why I think Jane wanted to study chimpanzees is because she loves animals. Jane Goodall is my hero because she loves animals, she made a Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Researchers, so kids can make a difference too.

Other reasons why Jane Goodall is my hero are because she helps the environment and helps keep the chimps from extinction. Most chimps chimpanzees are extricated, and need people like Jane to save them. In 2003, Queen Elizabeth II named Dr. Goodall a Dame of the British Empire, the equivalent of the Knighthood. That’s why Jane Goodall is my hero.


April 3, 1934
Jane Morris-Goodall was born in London, England.

Christmas of 1942
Jane received her first Tarzan book she loved looking at the pictures of the apes.

Summer of 1946
Jane started an animal club called The Alligator Society. Her sister and her two friends Sue and Sally.

Spring of 1954
Jane started her first job as a clerical worker at Oxford University.

May 24, 1957
Jane first arrived in Africa.

July of 1957
Jane meets Louis S.B. Leakey.

October 30, 1961
Jane saw meat-eating her first time. Then she saw chimps hunting for meat.

March 28, 1964
Jane gets married to Derek at Chelsea Old Church.

April of 1965
Jane earned her Ph.D. in Ethology from Cambridge University.

Jane lost her husband Derek to cancer.

February 20, 2004
Jane was made Dame of the British Empire.

Page created on 9/13/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/13/2007 12:00:00 AM

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The sun is shining on my cheeks
The wind is blowing though my hair
All the chimps roaming around
In the morning, looking at my backyard
Gazing out and about
Chimps in there trees, making their nests
Breathe in the deep smell of fresh air
Have a glass of tea sit down and relax.