"We here think globally, act locally, don't if you think globally you become filled with glum, but if you take a little piece of this whole picture, my piece, our piece. This is what I can do here, I'm making a difference. Oh, and they're making a difference over there and so are they, and so are they. And gradually the pieces get filled in. And the world is a better place." Dr. Jane Goodall
Jane GoodallBy Erik (HASH) Hersman from Orlando - File:Jane Goodall at TEDGlobal 2007.jpg, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17255675Jane Goodall is a hero because she dedicated her life to discovery. She mainly worked with chimpanzees. Jane helped other people understand the chimpanzees. Jane is a person with great courage and determination. She worked with chimps for 55 years, and she is still studying them today. She studied chimps as well as the environment they live in. Jane proved that monkeys, chimps especially, have a lot in common with humans. She always believed in the aim of what she decided to do. She is someone that I look up to and who I admire as my hero. What she did gave me the chance to realize who she was... A hero.
Jane grew up in England and wasn't very wealthy. She always loved animals. When Jane grew up, she got fascinated with chimpanzees because not a lot of people knew about chimps. She started to learn about them, and when she was 26, she decided to leave all that she knew and go to the forest to study them in their natural environment. She went to the forest with nothing but a notebook and a pair of binoculars.
Jane Goodall is a hero because of her discoveries about chimpanzees, and her bravery for living in a wild forest for so long. She lived her life investigating monkeys. She made a lot of astonishing discoveries over the past years. For example she discovered that chimps as well as humans make tools. Chimps use tools to fish for termites. She bridged the divide between the human world and chimpanzees.
Jane Goodall studied for 55 years. She showed the world that studies should not only rely on numbers, notes and photos. Jane also added an emotional component to her studies. Jane not only discovered chimps, but also became friends and family with them.
Jane now travels around the world, giving speeches about how important it is not to harm chimpanzees' habitat. She came into the forest with a dream and came out with a mission. She needed to save the chips as well as the forest they live in. She isn't only known as the Jane that lived in the forest, but also as an environmental rights defender. Jane is a person with great determination and courage. She wants to pay the world a visit and change how most people see.
Jane Goodall is my hero because of what she's done for the world. Jane inspired me, and taught me a lot of important life lessons. I admire her for the determination she put into her work even with all the obstacles she needed to pass. She had the courage to live in a remote area for so long. When I grow up I would like to live a very similar life to hers. Watching and reading about her taught me that even if you're one person, you can make a difference in the world. Jane reached over every boundary to draw us closer to our closest relatives.
Page created on 7/20/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 3/16/2020 4:14:29 AM
Wikipedia. "Jane Goodall." [Online] Available https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Goodall. .
. "Jane Goodall and Her Chimps".
. "Jane Goodall: A Retrospective".
. "Jane Goodall: A Birthday Tribute".
Biography.com Editor. "Jane Goodall Biography." [Online] Available http://www.biography.com/people/jane-goodall-9542363.