

by Abigail Hau, Hillview Christian School, Christchurch, NZ

"A distant land, cloud capped, with plenty of moisture and a sweet scented soil" (Kupe)
Kupe and Wheke (
Kupe and Wheke (

Kupe was a fisherman and navigator. His descendants settled much later around Hokianga Harbour in Northland. His tribe was Nga Puhi. His descendants still live in this region now.

Giant Octopus - Wheke
Giant Octopus - Wheke

One day Kupe went out fishing but all of his bait on his hooks was eaten by a giant octopus. Kupe realized that it was Muturangi's pet giant octopus. So he went to the other side of the island where he lived. He told him what had happened and to keep his octopus away from his fishing boat. Muturangi argued with him and Kupe vowed to kill his octopus.

Kupe built a large ocean going vessel which he called Matahorua. He gathered his people and supplies and set out hunting for the octopus. His wife saw New Zealand first and named it. That is how Aotearoa - New Zealand was discovered.

Aotearoa - The Long White Cloud
Aotearoa - The Long White Cloud

Kupe was the first person to discover New Zealand in recorded history. Kupe's wife was the first to call New Zealand "Aotearoa" - land of the long white cloud. She named it this because at the time the mountains were all covered with cloud cover.

Kupe's Portrait (
Kupe's Portrait (

After studying Maori and Polynesian oral tradition; It has been worked out that Kupe would have discovered New Zealand in 925 A.D.

Kupe's Statue (
Kupe's Statue (

Kupe was from Raiatea near Tahiti, part of Hawaiiki. He first landed on the East Coast of the North Island. He then travelled down the coast to Castle Point. Then over to Wellington Harbour. He continued chasing the octopus to Totaranui in Golden Bay and then caught and killed it near Wellington.

WHY: Kupe accidentally discovered New Zealand while hunting down an enemies giant octopus. He then killed it and carried on navigating and naming the country before returning home to Hawaiiki. These names still remain today and is part of our nation's history.

Page created on 11/7/2013 1:33:52 PM

Last edited 11/7/2013 1:33:52 PM

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Bibliography "" [Online] Available "Himiona Kamira (Ngapuhi Elder)." [Online] Available


Author Info

Ngapuhi is one of my family's Iwi. It is likely that I may directly or indirectly be related to Kupe. This one man changed history and influenced the settlement of future generations of Ngapuhi and indeed other Maori.