
Martin Luther King, Jr.

by Nicolas from Newark

I chose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr as my hero because he worked hard to make things better for people of color. Some things that he did was lead a Busboycott. The boycott was to improve seating arrangements for people of color. He also also led a march on Washington D.C., in front of The Lincoln Memorial. Almost everyday he stood before millions of people and spoke the words “I HAVE A DREAM”.He also gave me and millions of black people around the around the world a reason to be proud of being black . Learning and reading about Martin Luther King Jr., has made me believe in myself. I will work hard to be the best at whatever I choose to be in my life.

Page created on 10/15/2003 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/15/2003 12:00:00 AM

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