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The Dream: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Speech that Inspired a Nation

By Drew D. Hansen

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, July 2003
ISBN: 0060084766
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
From the Publisher
A riveting account of the origins and legacy of "I Have a Dream."

Forty years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. electrified the nation when he delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. King's prophetic utterances started the long overdue process of changing America's idea of itself. His words would enter the American lexicon, galvanizing the civil rights movement, becoming a touchstone for all that the country might someday achieve.

The Dream is the first book about Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legendary "I Have a Dream" speech. Opening with an enthralling account of the August day in 1963 that saw 250,000 Americans converge at the March on Washington, The Dream delves into the fascinating and little-known history of King's speech. Hansen explores King's compositional strategies and techniques, and proceeds to a brilliant analysis of the "I Have a Dream" speech itself, examining it on various levels: as a political treatise, a work of poetry, and as a masterfully delivered and improvised sermon bursting with biblical language and imagery.

In tracing the legacy of "I Have a Dream" since 1963, The Dream insightfully considers how King's incomparable speech "has slowly remade the American imagination," and led us closer to King's visionary goal of a redeemed America.

User Reviews:
ana zamoa' | 4/28/2011 9:24 AM
i love matin luther king for making so much people think about african people different and making see that dreams due come true and that there's nothing impossible if you just tray for these and many more reasons thank you m,l,k,j you will olways be remember.
LINDA OBENG | 3/11/2011 8:41 AM
Martin Luther King's life was one of purpose and fulfillment. He stood up for a just cause that left many eyes enlightened....
Antonia Barnes | 5/17/2010 9:52 AM
Martin Luther King was the king of all kings Martin luther king was a Hero!! from Australia.....
aysia and domneisha | 1/28/2010 4:32 AM
ths is a good book
yea it surely is WORD!!!!!!!!!1
sharonda levi | 11/10/2009 4:26 AM
he is a good man..
demarcus metchell | 11/3/2009 2:34 AM
i love martin luther king jr because he stop racism and alot of other things. HE IS A GREAT MAN!!!
Maria Castaneda | 2/18/2009 11:14 AM
i love this book
| 4/4/2008 2:29 AM
that book is good
shakayla Grant | 1/23/2008 1:24 AM
   When did he die

Martin Luther King, Jr. died on April 4, 1968.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

JUSTICE | 1/21/2008 2:45 AM
jessica | 1/13/2008 12:53 AM
i love martin very much hes my leader and my hero
Kevin | 10/24/2007 9:21 AM
yo thats a nice book man nice project
uno | 8/22/2007 6:56 AM
this is a good book to read
jasmine | 2/5/2007 11:56 PM
Hey i just wanted to say that Martin Luther King Jr. is very cool to have done that. love, jasmine,tx
jarrisa dixon | 1/11/2007 2:25 AM
it`s  good
jamar briscoe | 1/10/2007 4:14 AM
i love his famous word i believe that one day everybody will live in peace jews gentiles blacks and whites to all live in harmony
Ernence moreau | 1/4/2007 9:45 AM
i love his famous word i believe that one day everybody will live in peace jews gentiles blacks and whites to all live in harmony
Amin | 12/26/2006 10:26 AM
The best ever
Terrell Owens aka. T.O. | 10/24/2006 3:44 AM
he is the most brave man. he made racisem quit and I respect dat. and all my brothers respect dat. I will never forget Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He is my hero. and dat the real truth!!!!
Jamey E. | 10/23/2006 3:38 AM
This is the best book I have ever read. He is brave for what he did. I dont think anybody could forget who he is.
nicole | 5/18/2006 4:01 AM
i think that this book was great and it led me to find out alot more about Dr. king then i ever thought i could know!
Newton Yaba | 4/26/2006 12:44 PM
The life of Dr King was a divine message left to all the peolple in quest of a better tomorrow. "Dream pure enough to see life beyond color. Dream strong enough to stand against the enemy of Love. Dream big enough and speak it to die never."
He was born for a purpose; Teach to the whole world how to dream to transform hell into heaven.
you'll never find out | 1/19/2006 2:39 AM
i respect him for all he has done.
Sola Olayiwola From Nigeria | 12/9/2005 4:52 PM
In fact the story of Dr Martin Luther King inspired me alot, thinking about his life
and there a goal toward Black race in America
oladeinde olufemi | 8/21/2005 7:40 PM
a nice book about one of the greatest heroes of our time, a must read for everybody.
emma | 4/23/2005 2:25 PM
fav book i love reading books about martin luther king jr he's my hero for sure
Da Yeon | 2/22/2005 7:14 AM
I love to learn more things about history my favorite person is martin luther king!
he longed for freedom and civil rights i just wish he was still alive.
Erika Gonzales | 1/11/2005 4:35 AM
This is a great book. this is a hero we will always remember. He made us Free from the speech he gave and all the marches. remember the king.

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