
Mother Teresa

by Sophia from San Diego


Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu ) was a missionary nun who soon became known by her loving acts with the poor and people with illness. She served most of her life in Calcutta, India helping those in need. Mother Teresa is a hero because of her dedication. Her life mission began right when she turned the age 18. She left to join Sisters of Loreto. This shows dedication because when she finally was the right age Mother Teresa left to go change the world. Another example of her dedication is the multiple homes she built. A few homes she built were home for the dying and home for the abandoned. This improved the lives of the people in India. Together those two examples show the drive she had to change not only the people but the hearts of others around her.

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A selfless woman who helped people and changed their lives. She did not help them for the attention or credit but to save and change them. "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." An original quote by Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa never gave up on the people in India. She could've gone to different places that needed help as well but she stayed with India until she did everything she could. This shows the sacrifice and how selflessness Mother Teresa is. She did not think about herself and what she could do to make her life better, she thought about the health of others. Mother Teresa put others before herself.


The courage she had thrived. The courage to go to a whole new continent and believe you are able to build these people up again. The courage to have faith in God that he is leading you in the path he chose for you and this is what he created you to do. To believe in yourself is all you need to start your journey. The success and happiness is what keeps you going. Mother Teresa was all of those things. People came to her and cared for her as much as she cared for them. They believed she would make a positive impact on their small world.

Mother Teresa is an extraordinary woman. The drive, care for others, and faith took her far and made her into who she was. I chose Mother Teresa because of all the things she has done. She impacted the lives of India but also the lives of her admirers. "Peace begins with a smile." A missionary nun turning into a unforgettable angle.

Work Cited
 Mother Teresa (book) By: Maya Gold (Biography) "Mother Teresa." DISCovering Biography. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resources in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2016. "Mother Teresa." World Religions Reference Library. Ed. Julie L. Carnagie, et al. Vol. 4: Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2007. 351-358. Student Resources in Context. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. URL "Teresa, Mother." Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Student Resources in Context. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. URL "Mother Teresa." Xplore Inc, 2016. 12 February 2016.

Page created on 7/2/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/2/2021 10:43:09 PM

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Related Links

Mother Teresa of Calcutta Center