
Mr. Nelson Mandela

by Abdullahi from
Freetown, Sierra Leone

My Hero – Mr. Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela<br>(
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is best-known worldwide as the liberator from the whims and caprices of apartheid policy adopted by the then white president De-Clerk. He was very critical of the apartheid government that led to his arrest and subsequent detention in jail. Before his arrest, he advocated for peace, freedom and equality for the non-white race in South Africa. The minority white race claimed supremacy to the non-white. They were oppressed and left to the lurch. The Woodsmen were tyrannizing, humiliating and enslaving the blacks. The blacks were doing great things, which were not appreciated and included in the history books. When a devoted hard working black died in those days, everything about him died. Their children were deprived from their right of being educated and as a result end up being used, misused and refused. They were segregating and marginalizing the blacks and it was a taboo to mingle with them.

Mandela as a young patriot, therefore, thought they did not deserve such treatment. He started lobbying from within and outside abroad to come to their aid but to no avail. He spent well over 20 years in jail and was released in 1989.

When the first non-racial election was held, he won with a landslide victory. But later gave up the seat of power because of his age and wanted to spend the rest of his life with his wife and family.

Therefore such a courageous man who stood up for the freedom of his people deserves admiration and commendation to be a hero and never to be forgotten in the history of Africans.

Presently, Mandela is a leader of other leaders around the Globe. Any good leader would like to copy from him and seek his advice. Whatever he says will be taken into cognizance. I could remember his words as he was expressing his over excitement when South Africa was elected to host the 2010 World Cup and being the first African to host this great tournament. He said: "I feel like a boy of 15” and there was laughing everywhere.

Mandela is indeed an African hero!!!

Page created on 7/2/2007 5:53:17 AM

Last edited 7/2/2007 5:53:17 AM

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Mandela: An Audio History aired on NPR - Produced by Radio Diaries

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Author Info

I am student attending the Albert Academy which is situated in the Western Area of Freetown, Sierra Leone and member of the iEARN Albert Academy. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that my Hero is his excellency, the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and I will from time to time be sending my impressions about him and he really deserves to be a Hero of every African.