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Mandela: An Audio History (CD)

By Produced by Joe Richman and Sue Johnson (Radio Diaries)

MY HERO recommends this book to young adult readers.
Originally broadcast on NPR's All Things Considered, the five-part radio series "Mandela: An Audio History" tells the story of the struggle against apartheid through rare sound recordings, the voice of Nelson Mandela himself, as well as those who fought with him, and against him.

The series weaves together an unprecedented collection of archival sound: a rare recording of the 1964 trial that resulted in Mandela's life sentence; a visit between Mandela and his family secretly taped by a prison guard; marching songs of guerilla soldiers; government propaganda films; and pirate radio broadcasts from the African National Conference (ANC).

Hosted by Desmond Tutu with an introduction by Nelson Mandela, the series was produced by Joe Richman and Sue Johnson of

Radio Diaries
to mark the 10th anniversary of South Africa's first democratic election.
User Reviews:
kola | 6/14/2008 2:06 PM
how can i get the cd history. i have long walk to freedom.

Click here for information on how to order or buy this audio history.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

mrs.shawntae | 3/29/2007 4:58 AM
this book is so great it  will  make ppl want to read more bout him i really like to  read bout him it great bout all the things he did and what he tryed ta do fo his ppl i really wants ta  read more so keep up the work  and please have more on here so i can tell my kids bout nelson mandela at my school

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