
Neil A. Armstrong

by Trey from San Diego

“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”
Neil Armstrong shows mankind's true potential. (
Neil Armstrong shows mankind's true potential. (

“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. This quote seems to sum up the scientific milestone set by this man. A seemingly impossible achievement, landing on the moon would mark a revolution in scientific accomplishment. This feat was completed with one step. One step was all it took for him to change the world forever. This man was Neil Alden Armstrong: a champion of the skies and beyond. He was a valiant war hero and explorer: full of selfless ambition to better the world, as well as the overall aptitude and talent that allowed him to overcome the seemingly impenetrable obstacles set before him.

Neil A. Armstrong is primarily known for his spectacular piloting prowess during the Apollo campaign, and for the amazing, extraordinary feat of being the first man to step on the moon, but is rarely known for his commitment and ambition that got him to that position. When he was 18, Neil entered Purdue University for aeronautics, under a Navy scholarship (Gale). Even when he was young, Armstrong had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, along with a feeling of obligation to serve his country through the noble act of risking his life in the line of duty. In September, 1962, Armstrong decided that he wanted more of the world. That was the day where he went from a pilot of the skies to an astronaut of the stars (Gale). This superior aspiration present in Armstrong is one that is present in those who are successful. If he hadn't always been looking for new and better ways to use his talent, this world may have been a much different place.

Armstrong’s unwavering audacity is complemented by his striking aeronautical endowment. Neil Armstrong was trusted with the task of being one of the first three pilots to fly the X-15 rocket-engine plane. Not only did he successfully fly the plane, he went above and beyond and set world records of 207,500 feet altitude and 3,989 miles per hour (Gale). This exceptional feat could only be accomplished by a pilot of extreme aptitude. It is this unique overall skill and aptitude that makes him so able to succeed in his field, an advantage most don’t have. During the Apollo 11 campaign, Neil, along with his fellow astronauts, were aboard the lunar landing shuttle and were approaching the landing point. It was then that they entered a field of boulders and craters; the Apollo commander steering them through the evasive maneuvers and landing them safely with hardly any fuel to spare (The Enquirer). This outstanding display of raw talent shows that Armstrong is a man worthy of praise. His ability to succeed where others cannot is something that all successful people must have for them to be truly successful.

Armstrong’s noble actions as a fighter pilot in the Korean War, along with his uncanny bravery during his career as an astronaut, have proven him to be a commendable, valiant man. On September 3, 1951, while on one of his 78 combat missions as a fighter pilot, his plane was severely damaged. However, Armstrong was able to skillfully maneuver his wrecked aircraft into friendly territory ( Armstrong’s spectacular achievement is second only to his determination and commitment, as after this ‘near-death-experience’, he continued fighting for his country. This act of extreme courage and patriotism shows his true self as a brave soldier willing to put his life on the line for what he sees as just. His bravery did not stop on Earth. During the Gemini 8 project, a broken thruster caused the ship to spin sporadically. Armstrong managed to land safely without severe damage to himself or his crew (NASA). During that seemingly hopeless time, Armstrong's persistent attitude, along with his calm, intrepid persona, allowed him to focus on the task at hand. Just the mere fact that he was able to subdue panic, and was undaunted by the catastrophic events happening right beside him, prove that he is truly a fearless person. His admirable performances both inside and out of the atmosphere have given Neil Armstrong the enviable status of a true soldier.

Neil A. Armstrong was a hero of the skies and beyond. He was the restless explorer that rewrote science; he was the gloriously patriotic pilot that served to better his country; he was the talented human-being whose success came from his proactive attitude early on. He was the hero that changed the world.

Page created on 5/21/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/21/2010 12:00:00 AM

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