
Rachel Carson

by Kayla from Glenbrook

"Every mystery solved brings us to the threshold of a greater one." -Rachel Carson

Heroes are people who make a difference some are famous and some aren’t. Everyone has a hero. Some people have the same hero but for different reasons. My hero is Rachel Carson, she was born in 1907 on May 27th in Springdale, Pennsylvania. When Rachel was a kid she loved to spend her time outdoors. Another thing is her mother introduced her to the wonders of the outdoors.

Rachel was the third child in her family. Her family owned six acres of land so there was a lot of room to run around and play. When Rachel was 11 her story “a Battle in the Clouds” was published in St. Nicholas magazine for young authors. A year later 2 more of her stories were published in the same magazine.

Rachel Carson is my hero because she noticed what Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was doing to the environment and she tried to change that. Another thing is when she was at College her professors and other students she knew told her to quit Biology and she didn’t because she thought she should keep doing it. Rachel did what she thought was right which I admire her for. It was good she stuck with biology because she ended up making a big difference.

Rachel made a difference in my life because she wrote a book about how DDT was bad for the environment when no one else cared. She used what she had learned from biology class and then wrote a book about it.

Rachel Carson cared about the environment and used her strengths to try to make a difference in the world. Rachel Carson died on April 14th 1964 of cancer and heart disease. But she still lives on in her books and in our memories.

Page created on 7/3/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/3/2011 12:00:00 AM

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