
Ronald Parise

by Douglas from Troy

Ronald Parise when he got his job (
Ronald Parise when he got his job (

My space exploration hero is Ronald Parise. He earned the excellence award. He was born on May 24, 1951, and lived until his death in May of 2008. He was offered a position in Aviation, Inc.

He was born in Warren, Ohio. He lived his childhood there. He died by a disease. The disease was cancer.

He made the astro telescope. My life is better because he developed the ultra imaging telescope. A few years later, he made the astro 2. The missions are the sts-35 and sts-67.

He went to Youngstown State University in 1996. He worked in the astro observatory for a few years. He researched space telescopes projects from a base. Ronald Parise created the unique three lense telescope.

Page created on 1/6/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/2/2021 10:47:42 PM

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Related Links

NASA - Facts about his life .

Author Info

I chose Ronald Parise because I wanted to tell you a story of a hero.