Rob Stewart is my hero because he is saving the sharks from long line fishing. Rob Stewart left his job from taking pictures of sharks at the age of 22. He was taking pictures of sharks when he saw people long line fishing in the Galapagos island. Rob cut the sharks free and that's when Rob started to save the sharks.
Rob was born December 38 1979 in Toronto Canada. Rob was an award winning film maker at the age of 13 when he began photographing the underwater world. When Rob turned 18 he became a scuba instructor and then moved on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology studying in Ontario, Jamaica and Kenya.
Robs influence was when he was in the Galapagos islands he saw people long line fishing and sharks were on the fishing hooks and he cut them free. Rob also got arrested in Cost Rica for trying to save the sharks from getting finned because they are worth a lot of money.
When Rob was little he loved sharks and knew they were a big part of the environment and he wanted to take pictures of them and that's when Rob stopped taking pictures of shark and started saving them. Rob had some help saving the sharks from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Rob made long line fishing and shark finning illegal in most countries.
In conclusion that is why I chose Rob Stewart for my hero and I hope you learned about about sharks and Rob Stewart.
Page created on 4/23/2009 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 4/23/2009 12:00:00 AM