I have this friend, who I met early on in grade school. Ever since I can remember she was always a person I could ask for help and look up to as a role model. In 5th grade we started a new hobby together; percussionists in band. Band was the hour where I became very close with her. This section was small, but we all became very close along with the third member; Vince Dray. The three of us became very close friends throughout the years. When we started middle school, it was a complete different setting. Besides having a really close percussionist section, others joined in and we all formed a bigger group. Our friendship changed, though we stayed friends. While each one of us branched off and found additional friends, we remained friends through high school.
Half way through our sophomore year, everything changed dramatically for my hero, Sarah Pease. She was diagnosed with cancer. This report was the worst news I have ever gotten in my entire life. At this age, we hadn't ever had anyone go through so much pain or facing a life or death situation. Although, this was very hard to cope with, we all stepped up to help our friend, just like she would do for anyone else. Throughout her treatment, the school came together and started an organization to raise money for cancer research. Sarah always showed that she was strong and could fight through anything. Her attitude toward her sickness made everyone laugh and cry. She was so strong. Each day it seemed that she was improving or getting weaker, the news changed radically every single day. One day, Sarah would post on Caring Bridge that her days were getting better and better, and on other days she was too weak to post, so her dad would write about how sick she was. These were the hardest 7 months for those of us involved in Sarah's life in any way. Whether if it was someone from school, church, or an outsider that heard about her story, we were all touched and scared at every moment for her sake. Although Sarah showed more strength than I have ever seen in a person, unfortunately in the end, doctors concluded that there was nothing else that could be done. This information shattered everyone's hearts. Sarah had fought a valiant fight.
This news was received on June 28th 2011, while I was on a mission trip in New Orleans. Luckily, I had friends there with me who were also very close with Sarah. As a whole, we prayed and hoped for the best for Sarah and her family. Make- a- Wish foundation granted her a chance to meet the lead singer of Maroon Five. This was Sarah's best night as it turned out be her last. We were speechless. There were no words to describe our feelings or any way to express how we all felt. Looking back, her passing was the best for Sarah because she is now in a painless place where she can watch us all from above. Sarah's laugh, strength, and courage is, and will continue to be, greatly missed daily. I will never forget how much of a good friend Sarah was to me. When others made fun of me because I was not as good as a musician as them, she stuck up for me and helped me improve. I will never forget how much of a fighter she was to kick leukemia in its butt. From the beginning, Sarah chose to endure experimental medical procedures to improve research and help advance treatments for leukemia patients in the future. This courageous act continues to guide care decisions. It serves as a model of her willingness to help all people in all situations. Her strength and compassionate personality proves to me that if she went through the worst anyone could endure, I can try harder in all aspects of my life too. Sarah is my hero and will be in my heart forever.
Page created on 3/29/2012 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 3/29/2012 12:00:00 AM