

by Kodie from Huntington

To be a hero is to be strong, faithful and be truthful
<a href=>Sacajawea</a>

Throughout history, there have been many amazing women that have become heroes to girls my age. However the one hero that stands out most in my mind is Sacajawea. I will give you several reasons why she is my hero.

First, Sacajawea was very resourceful. She helped Lewis and Clark in their expedition by finding food; such as, roots and small animals. She also saved important papers, medicine, and supplies during a terrible storm. It was this characteristic that enabled the expedition to survive those years.

Second, during her two year long journey, she had to be very brave and courageous. Sacajawea had to be the mediator between Lewis and Clark and the hostile Indians. When she came to the Pacific Ocean, she was scared of the giant waves. Sacajawea overcame her fear and walked in the water.

Sacajawea was also a very strong woman. Not only was she strong physically, but also emotionally. Physically she carried her forty pound baby on her back for the journey. Emotionally, Sacajawea was able to leave her family at the age of sixteen to travel with Lewis and Clark. Finally, Sacajawea used her intelligence throughout the adventure. As an interpreter for Lewis and Clark, she had to have knowledge of several languages. She also needed to know different customs.

She was also a woman ahead of her time. Sacajawea lived in a time when men did not like to take orders from women. Men grudgingly gave her respect, and as a result, they listened to what she had to say.

These several characteristics: resourcefulness, bravery, strength of character, intelligence, and honor make up a hero. Sacajawea had all of these and more. This is why I consider her my favorite historical hero.

Page created on 10/4/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/4/2007 12:00:00 AM

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