The MY HERO Project | Library

A Gift of Life: A Page From the Life of a Living Organ Donor

By Lynn Chabot-Long

Publisher: Je Lynn Pubns; (July 1996)
ISBN: 0965055558
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
This is the extraordinary story of an ordinary family caught in a life or death struggle to save one of their own. With the possibility of a sibling becoming a living organ donor, this courageous family had to face the fact that they could lose not one, but two members. This story is told in a light hearted, yet no-holds-barred manner. During the process of becoming a donor, the author discovered that there was no information to be found concerning the donors point of view. This book has become "the resource" for those families considering organ donation and those who have already donated. Even thought it is told from the donor's point of view, it focuses on the recipient as well.
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