My Hero Report By Charlie Sisley
Andrew Digby with a kakapo Made by Charlie (me)
Have you ever wondered who do the science part of saving endangered species. Well Andrew Digby is part of the Kakapo recovery and he is the scientific advisor. Andrew Digby is my hero because of his work with kakapos, his photography, and his work with kiwi.
Andrew Digby works in New Zealand for an organization that is trying to save an endangered species. That species is the kakapo and Andrew Digby is trying to save them. Because of his knowledge, he is a big help with the kakapo recovery team. Being the scientific advisor of the kakapo recovery team is just one of the reasons he is my hero.
Also he takes pictures of the endangered species he works with and other birds. Because he does that it can help raise awareness for endangered species. I think that helping raise awareness for a good cause is a good person. Also him helping out animals and doing good things inspires me. He also helps out other endangered birds besides kakapo.
Andrew Digby is also trying to save the kiwi. On his website he posted information about kiwis that can get people interested and even help the cause. Posting about kiwis' vocals and other interesting facts. Andrew Digby is helping people learn about new things. Because he is helping people learn about important causes and helping out with them is why he is my hero. Those are some of the reasons he is my hero.
So Andrew Digby helps with saving the kakapo, takes pictures of endangered species, and informs people about kiwi. Being the scientific advisor of the kakapo is a very good and helpful job. And that is why Andrew Digby is my hero.
Page created on 5/22/2018 6:40:03 PM
Last edited 5/23/2018 10:44:17 PM