The MY HERO Project | Library

Anne Frank Remembered

By Miep Gies, Alison Leslie Gold

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, April 1988
ISBN: 0671662341
MY HERO recommends this book to young adult readers.
For the millions moved by Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, here at last is Miep's own astonishing story. For more than two years, Miep Gies and her husband helped hide the Franks from the Nazis. Like thousands of unsung heroes of the Holocaust, they risked their lives each day to bring food, news, and emotional support to the victims. From her own remarkable childhood as a World War I refugee to the moment she places a small, red-orange, checkered diary - Anne's legacy - in Otto Frank's hands, Miep Gies remembers her days with simple honesty and shattering clarity. Each page rings with courage and heartbreaking beauty. The Academy Award-winning documentary Anne Frank Remembered continues to spread Anne's message of hope. Of Miep Gies's role in this inspiring story, The New York Times said, "Mrs. Gies...shines through as a woman of unfailing courage and decency."
User Reviews:
dexter | 11/17/2016 1:01 AM
very inspiring
kamea johnson | 1/12/2010 8:18 AM
anne frank is on my project and i need help help me

Be sure to read the essays about Anne Frank on the MY HERO site and check out the related links at the end of the essays for more information:

Good luck on your project!

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

Allison | 1/25/2009 4:34 AM
i love this book i read it for a project and thought it was awsome! i never knew that Miep was realy born in Vienna!
| 4/3/2008 1:45 PM
I have read her diary and have felt very sad for her. She has inspired me. When I read the epilogue it made me cry and feel terrible. I kept thinking, "I'm alive and she's dead!" and it made me feel extremely sad even though there are so much years between us. I wish I could meet her and talk to her. She was such an amazing person and still is no matter how long ago she died. So brave, so amazing, the best! i love you Anne Frank. May you rest in peace and happiness and I hope Heaven is a lot better than Hollywood!!
Tiffani Cole | 3/10/2008 3:40 AM
hi, my name is Tiffani Cole and i really feel sympothy for you! i woulod hate to have to go through what you have went through! you are a VVEERRYY (very) big inspireation to all ages!! i never relly thought about the Holocaust as bad as every one said it was..... but when i read this book it oopened up a WHOLe new world
!!!!!! thank you sooooo much for every thing you have ever done!!!
your friend Tiffani Cole
Amber Sproul | 2/28/2008 1:48 AM
i really liked your book a lot It made me cry.
Savahna Gomez | 2/13/2008 4:26 AM
i love the story of anne frank and was one of the most inspiring stories i have ever read she deserves to be remembered and to be held as a hero in every part of history
Abdulhafiz | 12/15/2007 9:54 PM
im a nigerian boy who found out about anne about a month ago, on encarta. since then i've bin looking 4 websites about her and i pray God will help me so i can buy EVERYTHING there is on her. that is her books, films, and EVERYTHING i come across on her. i love her so much, she is such an amazing person. despite her suffering she still maintained faith in humanity. because of this i love and respect her deeply. i cant wait to buy her diary its bound 2b interesting.  i also hope that 1 day i will visit all the places in which she spent her tragic life. i also hope 2 become a world reknown novelist and if i do, reader remember this. i love anne frank, she touched me and changed my life along with all my goals. everyday i think of her, in my life i hope 2 make famous tributes to her and if i write famous novels they will all be dedicated 2 her.
asma | 10/22/2007 11:49 PM
i was very sad after hearing about anne frank sometimes i feel like crying
Aastha | 5/22/2007 12:07 PM
i love this book. its really shows how nice some people are.
Elizabeth Brown | 5/16/2007 1:51 AM
I love anne Frank Her story is such an insperation I Respect how she wrote in her book every day and I wish there would be a Continue of her book of what happend after she got sent to the camp
Yajaira | 10/16/2006 11:22 AM
Anne Frank inspires me in so many ways. she helps me wonder, what if i ever have to go into hiding, but i know that i won't have to.She helps me reach my goals and sometimes i feel like crying when i read books about her.Thank you for helping the jewish, Miep.
Silvia | 7/27/2006 3:08 AM
Hello Miep! I'm portuguese and i live in Coimbra-Portugal, too. I read the Diary of Anne Frank and i love it, i love, i love, i love, i love, i love, i love it! My name is Silvia Antunes, i write in a diary too, 3 years ago, i have 14 years old. My hobbies are: listen to music, dance and study english and french, i love these languages, i wanna be a english teacher!
anne | 6/27/2006 7:16 PM
very sad
Savanah | 5/18/2006 12:27 AM
Dear Miep,
It was amazing what you did.  You risked your life for Anne and the other people in the "Secret Annex".  I just finished reading Anne Frank and she really looked up to you.  Thank you for helping those Jews because if you didn't there probably wouldn't be an Anne Frank.  Thank you so much.
Rose | 5/16/2006 9:17 AM
Dear Miep we just got done reading ''The Diary of Anne Frank,'' You are a great person for helping Anne and her family.
P.S. The book was really inspiring
Alison | 4/10/2006 2:56 AM
Dear Miep (i hope i spelled your name right),
         you are a great person. I hope you are having a nice time because i'm doing a report on Anne Frank, and i would like to ask you some questions so if you could right back soon that would be great! BYE!

Be sure to read the MY HERO story about Miep Gies:

It includes a link to an interview with Miep Gies that you might find helpful in writing your report:

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

Alison | 3/31/2006 2:00 AM
Dear Meip,
          Hi my name is Alison. I have read the book Anne Frank and think it is scary and brave that you risked your life for them. Well if my friends family was in danger i would have probably done the same thing. Bye. Alison
andrea | 1/12/2006 9:35 AM
i love anne frank she was 1 of a kind sometimes i think of what i want and then i say to myself look at anne frank she had to hide for most of her life and she died at 14 years old my brother and me don't have to hide and i am 12 he is 14 so we are lucky but anne frank is a miracle and a hero to me and now when i read the book i always say i am the luckiest little girl in the world because look at anne frank well i love u anne !!!! God bless you what really touched me was at the end of the story she said that she knows that people are still good at heart and that made me cry
always in my heaRT anne frank!!!!!!
Aysha | 11/29/2005 3:51 AM
this book is very inspiring

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