The MY HERO Project | Library

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

By Anne Frank, B. M. Mooyaart (Translator), Eleanor Roosevelt (Introduction)

Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0553296981
MY HERO recommends this book to readers of all age groups.

A beloved classic since its initial publication in 1947, this vivid, insightful journal is a fitting memorial to the gifted Jewish teenager who died at Bergen-Belsen, Germany, in 1945. Born in 1929, Anne Frank received a blank diary on her 13th birthday, just weeks before she and her family went into hiding in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. Her marvelously detailed, engagingly personal entries chronicle 25 trying months of claustrophobic, quarrelsome intimacy with her parents, sister, a second family, and a middle-aged dentist who has little tolerance for Anne's vivacity. The diary's universal appeal stems from its riveting blend of the grubby particulars of life during wartime (scant, bad food; shabby, outgrown clothes that can't be replaced; constant fear of discovery) and candid discussion of emotions familiar to every adolescent (everyone criticizes me, no one sees my real nature, when will I be loved?). Yet Frank was no ordinary teen: the later entries reveal a sense of compassion and a spiritual depth remarkable in a girl barely 15. Her death epitomizes the madness of the Holocaust, but for the millions who meet Anne through her diary, it is also a very individual loss. --Wendy Smith

User Reviews:
kyreee | 12/14/2016 5:25 AM
Truly moving
joe | 5/13/2013 11:45 AM
a good book
Annie | 4/19/2013 3:07 AM
Most people were thinking they were going to die, but Anne said "I want to keep on living even after my death."  And that did happen.
12 | 4/15/2013 8:30 PM
i got exited ,i want to buy the book
the unknown | 2/27/2011 10:17 AM
amazing,sad and cool
grl457 | 2/19/2011 2:42 AM
Anne Frank was a talented young girl it is very sad of the holocaust to happen and so many jews died
ashley | 11/22/2010 7:08 AM
wow it was unforgettable what she did i love the book i have read it 5 times now !!!!!
We Rox!!!!!!! | 10/19/2010 3:28 PM
really great book. i really thought it was amazing what she did!!!
person 2 | 8/15/2010 10:39 AM
greatbook. totally amazing what they did
rox101 | 8/10/2010 6:27 PM
This is a great book. it is amazing how Anne Frank and her family and also the Van Daans.
avie | 5/24/2010 11:22 PM
cn anyone mention  the hardship of the young girl in the story
Valencia | 5/4/2010 9:42 AM
Anne Frank is amazing and funny, my mom and I are reading the book called, Anne Frank Diary of a young girl, the book cover is on here its the brick red covered book above its really good its her diary translated in English! It's Amazing! I feel sorry for her she had tons of plans to do with her life that she never got to do cuz she died ata concentration camp, when she was 15!
Person | 4/16/2010 12:03 AM
Mammas | 2/3/2010 3:58 AM
We r doin this project and we have to writ about something that is our book and i chose anne frank you inspired me to do so much thing i feel sorry for you that ur mom died but i know your happy that u r with her and ur father
divya | 6/25/2009 5:20 PM
Anne frank indeed is a hero.I liked her boldness and courage.
elaine yager | 1/7/2009 4:06 AM
Anne Frank is my hero to. She was a wonderful person. And she was pritty to.
rachael | 11/22/2008 7:10 PM
just finished reading her diary after years of knowing little about her she was an interesting person, i wish she was still alive.
katie | 11/11/2008 12:52 AM
i am in the eighth grade and this year we were doing a research project on the holocaust.gtting ready to read the diary of anne frank and i feel so much for all the people that were lost and of course for anne frank. well i have to go to class we are starting the book today and i am excited.good luck to me.
glenda romero | 10/22/2008 1:35 AM
wow the book was really interesting it showed a lot of things that not even the meanest person in the whole wide world  deserves. For me Anne Frank was a true hero for been so valient and i truely believe that she would have made a really good writer after all. I admire her so much that i would never get tired of recomending the book.
Dorcy munyiva | 9/28/2008 11:04 PM
It is amazing how anne stayed strong in moments of distress,pain ann much anguish...
She has inspired me to keep strong no matter what comes my way
Karen Hurtado | 6/26/2008 1:34 AM
this book is a very big insperation for me .This is my #1 fav. book ive read so far.I wish i could go back in time and see exactly every thing that was really goin on. And be able to tlk to Anne and ask her so many things.
Amber | 5/3/2008 3:55 AM
Anne Frank
I had a choice on what to do for a research paper for my 8th grade year and it had to be something that happened during the second World War. And the first thing that came to my mind was the Diary of Anne Frank. She was and remarkable young girl, and she has changed many peoples lives even mine. Anne Frank is my role model and my hero, she will always be in my heart and i will never foget who she is, or even what she had to go through when she was just a young girl. And because of Anne Frank we are here to this day with people that nev er new about the Holocaust. And i feel so bad to know that she had to go throgh life like she did because of the people the treated her different because of her race. And it's true you never know what you have till it's gone.
saydra mateo | 5/2/2008 6:32 AM
i think that ann frank was a great n intellegent girl and cuz of her journal we know a lot about her history
Rachel | 4/27/2008 4:21 AM
This book is really amazing. The only reoson I read it was because I was Anne Frank for a biography project at my school and after I read it I was very glad that I was her. Her story is really sad but also very inspiring.
vivian | 4/16/2008 4:42 AM
This book is so good! Anne Frank is really my hero. She did so many wonderful stuff she was really brave having to go through the holocaust only as a little girl. She was awesome!
aljandra | 4/15/2008 3:02 AM
it was very sad poor ane and hr family
Shelby | 4/8/2008 7:52 AM
She is the strongest most amazing girl in the world, and was sad to read her amazing story. bless her.
kearie | 4/4/2008 2:47 AM
I really like this book it is rejocing and because of anne frank we are here today with people who never new about the holocaust.I feel really bad for anne and her family and friends."You will never know what you will miss this much untill its gone."
thegirlthatisverysmart | 2/10/2008 1:25 AM
i think that she is one of my favorite people to just think about her makes me feel like i should do something to make history just like her by the way luv the book
Shelbii | 1/11/2008 5:08 AM
The Diary Of Anne Frank is my favorite book! i can read it over and over...its so sad though. its brought tears to my eyes. and just to think that she was weeks before being free'd as she was longing for. that hurts alot! i respect her and admire her!
Alisha_101 | 1/9/2008 8:55 AM
the book is very inspirational dont judge people by there skin or there religion they  might look diffrent or talk diffrent but in all hearts we r all the same
Briana | 11/24/2007 7:48 PM
Anne Frank is such an inspiration. It is a very sad story, but I enjoy it very much. I'm still in the middle of reading it, but I love it! I'm doing her for a book project at school, a biography book project. If you haven't read this book yet, and are planning to, get a box of tissues ready for the end, it's sad!
monica | 11/1/2007 3:39 AM
i am really inspired by anne frank
Jillian | 10/29/2007 3:00 AM
It was very sad when you think of it,  because it could have been your great grandparents or grandparents.
Sunny | 10/24/2007 11:29 PM
I am much older than you guys, and feel kinda sorry that I read this book little late, but it inspired me so much. I travel a lot and have read millions of books, but I could not find such strength, goodness and faith elsewhere. when I feel miserable, I read some lines from her diary and I know this too shall pass, and all we gotta do is to let the sunshine in our soul! RIP dear Anne Frank, only people like you saved our planet from Nazis.
BIANCA | 10/4/2007 7:14 AM
ed the book so much i cried when i saw the movie
i also read the book thAt her best friend hanna wrote
alanna | 9/23/2007 12:15 AM
anne's story book is really great!
Katie | 5/15/2007 10:02 AM
I really loved this book. When i first read it I cried during some of the horribly sad parts. This book taught me about all the hardships everyone had to go through during the Holocaust. Anne was staying brave and strong though out the book. This is about my third time reading it and i still cry. This is on my fav. book list. not the top one though but its in the top 10. THIS BOOK ALSO TAUGHT ME THAT I SHOULD BE FORTUNATE AND GRATEFUL FOR THE THINGS I ALLREADY HAVE because back then they didn't have very many things and couldn't get very many things either because alot of them were too poor.
Lina | 5/6/2007 12:50 PM
she is awsome!! there is no way to explain how great she is!!
chaparita | 5/4/2007 4:37 AM
this story has touched many ppl n many ways.
Anna | 4/20/2007 2:08 AM
Anne Frank's diary is an inspiration to all girls like myself. People of all ages should read her diary.
hailey | 4/16/2007 1:11 AM
im only in the 3rd grade but her story is amazing
Anna Marie Feo | 3/30/2007 10:56 AM
Anne Marie Frank. We have the same initials and the same middle name! I love her diary!
Jeri Burkhalter!!!!! | 3/29/2007 11:28 AM
i just love reading about anne frank. a diary of a young girl was the first book i ever read!!!!
Sophie | 3/26/2007 1:22 AM
I like anne franks diary very much because I am study about her at school and im only a primary school.
Ashley | 3/20/2007 8:27 AM
I really like Anne Frank she is a real surviver it must have been hard for her to live in the little house with all those people I wonder how she did it WOW!!!! I also like Anne Frank's Diary because she is telling her life in a diary which thats the kind of books I like to read!!!
Ericka Díaz | 2/8/2007 12:43 AM
I think the book was very interesting
REGGIE POLITE | 2/5/2007 10:02 AM
alyssa | 1/31/2007 2:59 AM
i really like this book,because its cool
Jennifer Yang | 1/22/2007 12:15 PM
I love this story. I really loved it how I read it in school, and them doing the broadway show and stuff. It's really interesting..!!
[email protected] | 1/16/2007 4:22 AM
this real life story, is the best story of all.. i watched the movie too,it makes me smile and cry everytime I remember of Ann Frank....I adimiring her life her love life and most of all her Family...
Danielle | 1/5/2007 6:33 AM
Until I read this book I never realise that the germany were horrible. I realise now that the jews suffered back then.
Renee | 12/28/2006 5:45 PM
I did not realise all the horrible things that people who lived during WW2 had to put up with, especially the Jews.
This book really put it in perspective for me.
I was tremendously inspired by the courage, strength and determination that Anne showed.
alyssa | 12/19/2006 9:10 AM
i love anne frank i think that it is so sad how she died i love her!
richele staley | 12/12/2006 5:00 AM
This was a really  good story
shatawn cason | 11/28/2006 1:55 AM
read this book. it is good.
gloria | 11/14/2006 2:01 AM
its a good book for real
danielle | 10/25/2006 8:46 AM

i recommend that u read this book.

sherry palacios | 10/16/2006 1:44 PM
i found this book EXCELLENT i loved when she wrote to her imagInary friend kitty .
peter | 8/29/2006 9:58 PM
i read the book three years ago, it gives me strength , it boosts me like bible. i already gave three books as gift to my friends and i will keep on doing this. if you really love someone, it is a must to give him this special book. whenever i am down, i prefer to read this thrilling book and i will return to normal mood.
she gives light to us.
Artemis | 8/20/2006 10:29 AM
When I read Anne Franks story, I felt so alive inside. I love Anne Frank so much. It was actualy the very first book I've read all of the way through. I think she's an inspiration to us all. I hope other children read this besides me, because she is a legend, and a treadmark to history.
TITO FUENTES | 5/25/2006 4:25 AM
I am doing a slide show on Anne FRANK "The HUMAN FACE OF THE HOLOCAUST" If it wasnt for Annelies Marie Frank the world would not know about this tragic mess that anne went through i wish she could of lived a better life and lived longer i hope something like this never happens to us this book helped me understand some of the hardships anne went through and i wished it never happened hitler is such a horrible person anne didnt even get to experience the adult life where she could of became a writer like she wanted to i think she would of been a great writer since millions of people liked her diary it was translated into 55 different languages i have 2 go so i hope everyone gets to learn about the HOLOCAUST and not be predjudiced
Olvier from africa | 5/3/2006 9:41 AM
i like anne frank thanks for me reading it it was awesome
ley | 5/3/2006 9:40 AM
I am doing a slide show on Anne FRANK "The HUMAN FACE OF THE HOLOCAUST" If it wasnt for Annelies Marie Frank the world would not know about this tragic mess that anne went through i wish she could of lived a better life and lived longer i hope something like this never happens to us this book helped me understand some of the hardships anne went through and i wished it never happened hitler is such a horrible person anne didnt even get to experience  the adult life where she could of became a writer like she wanted to i think she would of been a great writer since millions of people liked her diary it was translated into 55 different languages i have 2 go so i hope everyone gets to learn about the HOLOCAUST and not be predjudiced
SAM | 4/27/2006 11:14 PM
A.T. | 4/21/2006 11:44 PM
Anne tried hard not to be scared, but then, she too was killed afterwards. her story moved me greatly.
Yaneth Martinez | 4/7/2006 1:06 AM
I read The book about Anne Frank and I think that she was a great young girl that dealt with all the hardships of being a jew and showed everybody to care more about other people.
jordan | 3/29/2006 4:23 AM
its a great book for history it really gives us an idea of war
Sara | 2/14/2006 11:28 PM
I read most of the book and watched the original movie. It was GREAT. I seriously cried at the end of the movie.
bri | 11/26/2005 1:09 AM
Anne Frank acts as such an inspiration to me. No matter how long they were stuck up in that annex, Anne had always found a way to keep a positive attitude and light up the dark and gloomy room with smiles and laughter. Without her righteous acts, I would have no one to look up to. She has made the biggest impact on me. Her book gets read over and over again... I never get sick of it.
Heather | 11/2/2005 12:19 AM
I read this book for 6th grade social studies and it made me understand how hard it had been and we should not take everything for granted.
lisa | 10/10/2005 12:14 PM
ann frank i admire your books and they are so good that i can read them every day thank you for being in this world and bringing a life time story
alisha | 9/28/2005 2:29 AM
This book is such an inspiration. I love and never get tired of reading it over and over again. I was wondering when was this book published?
Tara | 9/21/2005 1:37 PM
i really loved reading the Diary of Ann Frank. I think it was so inspirational and i am looking for somewhere where i can get a copy of the story. Ann Frank is kinda of like my hero to know that she went through so much terror and had to live a horrible childhood and is still so famous!!! Ann Frank is the Greatest person i know
jayde | 8/30/2005 9:38 PM
This book was a inspiration and i loved reading it so much.It taught me to really apprecciate the things that i have and to never take things for granted.
gabriella | 3/18/2005 9:18 AM
i admire anne so much.without Anne people would not care that six million jews died.this book deeply moved me.
samantha | 1/17/2005 7:41 AM
I admire her so much. I love this book because it tells you so much history facts about her. it is so neat. everyday i read a page waiting until the next to read more.

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