Become a MY HERO Education Ambassador

Join teachers from all parts of the world who enrich student learning using MY HERO Free multimedia resources organized by topic and grade level. Gain access to tools to curate resources to share with your students. Give students the opportunity to create their own inspiring media to tell the story of heroes within their own community and the world to share with MY HERO's global audience.

Before starting the steps to becoming a MY HERO Education Ambassador, email Education Outreach Director Laura Nietzer ([email protected]) to let her know you would like to become a MY HERO Education Ambassador. She will guide you along the way.

If you have experience using MY HERO resources with your students or have had students use MY HERO digital storytelling tools to submit projects, let Laura know and she will adapt this program based on prior participation. 

First Steps to Becoming a MY HERO Education Ambassador

First Steps: MY HERO Ambassador
Credit: MY HERO

MY HERO has Free multimedia content that enriches curriculum and provides positive role models for students. Curate content to use in your classroom. 

Teachers from around the world use MY HERO in the classroom and for distance learning with students of all ages and grade levels to enrich learning. Shining a light on positive role models helps students of all ages understand their own potential to make a positive change in their community and the world.

Become familiar with MY HERO online multimedia resources, lesson plans, and digital storytelling tools you and your students will be using while earning a Micro-Credential on the way to becoming a MY HERO Education Ambassador. Learn more here.

Next Steps to Becoming a MY HERO Education Ambassador

Share digital storytelling tools with your students so they can become reporters, artists, and filmmakers telling the story of heroes in their community or those connected to the curriculum you teach. Learn to create a webpage of student projects to share with your students' families and community. 

The next step to becoming a MY HERO Ambassador is student engagement with MY HERO's digital storytelling tools to publish projects and begin to build portfolios of their work. Students have access to digital storytelling tools as they become reporters, artists, and filmmakers telling the story of inspirational heroes within their own community and the world. Taking part in MY HERO helps students realize their own potential to create positive changes in the world. Complete each of these activities with your students in order to earn your second Micro-Credential on the way to becoming a MY HERO Education Ambassador. Learn more here.

Final Steps to Becoming a MY HERO Education Ambassador

Share MY HERO resources and digital storytelling tools with other educators in your school or community to earn a Macro-Credential as a MY HERO Education Ambassador. 

Final Steps: MY HERO Ambassador
Credit: MY HERO

Empower other teachers and students in your school and community by providing training and mentoring as new teachers learn about MY HERO's multimedia resources and digital storytelling tools to use with their students. Completing these last steps earn you a Macrocredential as a MY HERO Education Ambassador. Learn more here.

Organizer created on 2/24/2022 10:58:53 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 9/28/2022 11:58:22 AM by Laura Nietzer