Last Steps: Become a MY HERO Ambassador

Provide training and mentorship to other teachers in your school and community

MY HERO Ambassador Final Steps
Credit: MY HERO

Empower other teachers and students in your school and community by providing training and mentoring as new teachers learn about MY HERO's multimedia resources and digital storytelling tools to use with their students. Completing these last steps earn you a Macrocredential as a MY HERO Education Ambassador.

Identify 5 teachers in your school to mentor

       Have teachers register on the MY HERO website.

       Have teachers write your name in the box under How did you hear about MY HERO

Mentor teacher introduces Teachers Room Resources

Newly registered teachers review Teachers Room Resources:

       Review Lesson Plans and Multimedia Resources organized by theme and grade level.

       Which lesson plans and resources connect to your curriculum?

       Choose 3-5 resources that you can use with your students. Bookmark them.

       Review the Media Arts Education Resources:

       Review the Lesson Plan Center:

Mentor Assists Group as New Teachers Create an Organizer Using Resources Chosen in the previous step: 

       Provide Link to Video Tutorial on Creating an Organizer

       Answer questions about create an organizer of the resources to use with students.

Introduce the Guestbook as a quick way to engage and honor a personal hero

       Teachers create a guestbook post

Introduce the Forum

       Share the essay "How Should We Choose our Heroes?" as a resource.

New Teachers Create a Class Code for Students to Use When They Register

       Introduce tutorial on how to create a class code:

       New Teachers create a class code for students from their profile page

Students register on MY HERO using the Class Code teacher created

Introduce the tutorial on how to use the create program

Students use the Create Program to Submit Projects to MY HERO 

       Create Program Tutorial:

       Media Arts Education Resources

The teacher creates an organizer of students' published projects

       Tutorial: Auto-populate showcase organizer of students' multimedia projects

       Tutorial: Arrange content in your showcase organizer

Participants Completing this Last Level Earn a MacroCredential as a MY HERO Ambassador Mentoring Other Educators - CONGRATULATIONS!

Organizer created on 2/23/2022 4:04:54 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 8/31/2022 4:58:41 PM by Laura Nietzer