The MY HERO Project | Library

Benjamin Franklin: Electrified the World with New Ideas

By Mike Venezia

Publisher: Children's Press, March 2010
ISBN: 0531207757
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Children''s Literature
This picture book biography is a part of a series on "Getting to Know the World''s Greatest Inventors and Scientists." Written in very clear sentences and large font, the book focuses on Benjamin Franklin''s childhood and early adulthood with emphasis on his love of inventing. Modern photographs and paintings show images of many of Franklin''s inventions including bifocals, the Franklin stove, the harmonica, and harnessing electricity. The author shares funny antidotes of Franklin''s younger years working in his brother''s printing press and later his own printing press, which made him a rich man. Franklin''s community work in Philadelphia, such as having the muddy streets paved and developing the first public library, is also discussed. The author shares Franklin''s interest in electricity, including his famous kite experiment. Children will enjoy the author/illustrator''s addition of cartoons. This book would be an excellent read-aloud for primary grades. It includes a glossary and an index. Reviewer: Jody Little
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