
Bill Roley

"The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself." President Roosevelt, 1937

Bill Roley is an anthropologist, horticulturist, and environmentally concerned person. He is the Director of Applied Ecological Systems and a firm believer in the idea that everything society uses should be recycled.


Aja sees how important the earth is through his teaching and practices. In 1994, Aja accompanied her father on a trip to Tijuana, Mexico. He was asked to create a water control project on the site of the Aldeas Infantiles Orphanage, a project of the SOS Kinderdorf International. The land at the orphanage had been severely flooded and was in desperate need of a drainage system. Bill Roley planted a garden and an orchard to absorb the water.

Bill Roley taught the residents of the Aldeas Orphanage how to work with the land. The fruits, vegetables, nuts and herbs that grow from the garden and orchard allow the orphanage to be quite self-sufficient. They compost or eat everything that is produced. The children are responsible for many of the chores. They have learned to share their knowledge by teaching others the importance of the land. When the children reach adulthood they will have learned the skills needed for vocations in horticulture, agriculture and environmentally aware industries.

The orphanage lies on seven acres. There are seven houses, a school, an administration building, a garden and an orchard.

Bill Roley has helped many people through this project and many others. He is aware of the earth's needs. He is willing and able to help people become environmentally aware of our planet. Aja is very proud of her Dad.

Page created on 7/4/2004 9:49:01 AM

Last edited 1/5/2017 9:08:07 PM

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Related Links

Bill Roley Laguna Beach Cal Poly Ponoma - youtube

Author Info

Aja Roley's father, Bill Roley, works on sustainable structures and gardens. He has helped children in Mexican orphanages by teaching and helping them plant gardens for providing fruits and vegetables from their own back yard.