The MY HERO Project | Library

Charles M. Schulz: Cartoonist and Creator of Peanuts

By Michael Schuman

Publisher: Enslow Publishers, Inc. 2002
ISBN: 0766018466
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
A biography of the artist whose "Li'l Folks" turned into the most successful comic strip of all time, "Peanuts," including how his characters reflected events in his own life.
User Reviews:
| 3/3/2011 7:15 AM
I'm doing a  project on him he is amazing!!!!!
Unnna. | 2/2/2009 2:59 AM
Hes awesome im doing my artist bio on him!
Meeshrissaa. | 2/2/2009 2:59 AM
Charles Schulz is a genius.
Jacob Boyd | 11/18/2007 10:54 PM
i loved Charles to death like no other nobody knows how much he really meant to me
marissa | 4/14/2007 5:29 AM
i love charles schulz, so i'm doing a report on him! he was born on my b-day and i started to like him  when i was in 4th grade and we had to do a report on a artist for art class, where i saw he was born on my b-day!

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