The MY HERO Project | Library
User Reviews:
botty | 3/15/2013 8:43 AM
i miss her
hannah | 3/15/2013 8:42 AM
im in fith grade and i just heard about her and this is very sad i cant a magin what she went through
Mrs. S | 2/18/2008 7:50 AM
So glad you enjoyed the biography BGL. I read several about Christa & she is indeed a true hero! I've had several students read about her and they all wanted to learn more. Thanks for responding!
BGL-age-7 | 2/11/2008 5:49 AM
This book was really good and I thank my teacher for assigning it to me.  I recommend this book to everybody.
nikki | 5/15/2007 7:21 AM
hey i think that she must have been very brave to go up in space and i would always want to go to space someday
Jessica Lewis | 3/11/2007 9:56 PM
As the daughter of a teacher, I was in high school, I watched that flight... It made it personal for me. I thought of her more than just a teacher or a hero, but also as a mother. I cried for her. I thought of her family. I wept for her family. She was a leader, with courage, willing to go that extra mile for teacher, for her students, for her children and her family, with her fellow space explorers by her side. The loss of that brave crew was so heartbreaking, it saved many lives~ it improved the safety of flights now, made things better for our current heroes. She was such a strong hero, I was overwhelmed by her. Awed by her... I will always remember her, beyond the rest, she will stand out... I guess because she was a teacher first. She was a space person second. Teaching was her passion, like her family. She reminded me women could do anything. What a lady! A beautiful star herself... Like Reagan said, 'Touched the face of God'....~ They did. She touched our hearts along the way.
Christa McAuliffe | 2/28/2007 7:20 AM
this has  tremendously made it harder for me & many other sudents to select who we will be doing as a research project.
this is greatly appreciated by us. :)
keishawn | 12/20/2006 12:04 AM
she was my hero and she will always be  happy
Jasmine Chenault | 5/3/2006 5:05 AM
Christa McAuliffe was a great hero to everyone. She took an opportunity in space that ended her life. She is a greatly appreciated person who is looked up at by many people.

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