
Corrie ten Boom

by Katherine Bartolotta from San Diego, California in United States

129700Corrie Wrote About Her Experiences Throughout the War ten Boom and her family saved over 800 Jews during the Holocaust. She risked her life for the lives of others as she was taught to do growing up. Corrie was born in 1892 in Holland where she became a watchmaker like her father. She was a devout Christian and believed the Jews were God’s chosen people, which caused her to feel a natural compulsion to help the Jews when Hitler invaded, despite her actions putting her at great risk. A hero must possess the qualities of selflessness and bravery. By risking her life to hide others from the Nazis, persevering in the concentration camps, and creating a rehabilitation center for survivors after the war, Corrie demonstrated the selflessness and bravery of a true hero.

Corrie’s generosity put her in extremely dangerous situations, yet she was fearless throughout. “Ten Boom made sure the visitors were treated warmly, as family, to keep everyone's morale up. They shared evenings of music, stories and daily prayers. Because ten Boom's home was overflowing, she smuggled other Jews out to the countryside” ("Humanitarian Corrie ten Boom"). After the Nazis invaded Holland, it was very dangerous for Jews. By hiding them in her house, Corrie was putting herself at risk, but she didn’t think twice. “That day, she and several members of her family were arrested and sent to prison. Only their Jewish guests in the secret room escaped detection until later when they were smuggled out of the city” ("Humanitarian Corrie ten Boom"). The Gestapo, police for the Nazis, found out that the ten Boom family was hiding Jews in their house. When the Gestapo came, they couldn’t find the Jews because Corrie had hidden them in a secret room.  However, the Gestapo did find extra food cards, which was proof enough for the ten Booms to be arrested. Corrie ten Boom showed generosity and fearlessness through her actions, even when it meant exposing herself to grave danger.

129655Women's Housing in Concentration Camp of giving in to the fear of being taken to the concentration camps, Corrie was a light in darkness. Corrie followed after her father in her beliefs: “Corrie's father, Casper, who died within ten days of his arrest, had said "it would be an honor to give my life for God's ancient people." Corrie's brother Willem and nephew Christiaan also perished, and Corrie and her sister Betsy spent the last part of ten months' imprisonment in Ravensbruck concentration camp, where they shared Jesus' love with their fellow prisoners” ("What's hiding in Corrie Ten Boom's house?"). Even after her whole family had died, Corrie was steadfast in her determination to care for and help others. And the light for Corrie and her fellow prisoners was the thing that was taken away from them, the Bible, but Corrie managed to sneak one in. “She and Betsy had learned in Ravensbruck: ‘There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still’ and ‘God will enable you to forgive your enemies’” ("What's hiding in Corrie Ten Boom's house?"). During her time in Ravensbruck, Corrie taught herself how to forgive the people who hurt her. She went so far as to have empathy for them because she believed God still loved them. Corrie persevered and brought hope to all those around her despite great personal suffering.

129711Corrie Embracing Someone After the War thinking of her own needs, after the war, Corrie started a rehabilitation center for Holocaust survivors. “Corrie ten Boom returned to the Netherlands after the war and set up a rehabilitation center for concentration camp survivors” ( Editors).  After the war was over, instead of taking time to relax or focus on herself, she kept looking out and caring for other people. The rehabilitation center she started for Holocaust survivors helped them get back into their everyday lives. “In the Christian spirit to which she was so devoted, she also took in those who had cooperated with the Germans during the occupation” ( Editors). She even went so far as to think about the people who had harmed her and how hard readjusting must be for them. She made sure to help the former Nazis become accustomed to normal life as well. Corrie wrapped herself in her work focusing on others instead of herself and never feared the outcome helping Nazis recover would do.

Corrie’s caring nature and courage has made her a hero to many. Throughout her life Corrie hid Jews from Nazis, spread hope in a concentration camp, and started a rehabilitation center for people who survived being in concentration camps. “‘Somewhere between beautiful humility and an almost unbelievable strength and indomitable spirit was the real Corrie,’ notes her biographer, Carole C. Carlson, ‘not just a `sweet little grandmother', but a two-fisted old Dutch soldier for Christ’” (“Corrie Ten Boom”). Corrie inspires people to look out for others in the world instead of focusing on ourselves all the time. Throughout her life, Corrie saved and inspired many people.

129681Corrie Traveling the World After the War Cited Editors. “Corrie Ten Boom Biography.”, A&E Television Networks, Ask original or updated publish date,

"Corrie Ten Boom." UXL Biographies, UXL, 2011. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 11 Dec. 2018.

"Humanitarian Corrie ten Boom Her Determination And Commitment To Faith Saved Thousands In World War II." Investor's Business Daily, 23 Apr. 2001, p. A04. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.

"What's hiding in Corrie Ten Boom's house?" Christian History and Biography, Spring 2006, p. 8. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.

Page created on 1/9/2019 8:29:12 PM

Last edited 1/12/2019 3:49:15 AM

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Related Links

Corrie ten Boom Foundation - The Corrie ten Boom House Foundation was founded in 1987 to turn the former home of the Ten Boom Family into a museum.
Corrie ten Boom Biography - A biography of Corrie ten Boom's life before, during, and after the war.
The Hiding Place Summary - A brief summary that covers some of the things Corrie wrote about in her book.