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Daniel Boone: An American Life

By Michael A. Lofaro

Publisher: University Press of Kentucky 2003
ISBN: 0813122783
MY HERO recommends this book to readers of all age groups.
"The embodiment of the American hero, the man of action, the pathfinder, Daniel Boone represents the great adventure of his age — the westward movement of the American people. Daniel Boone: An American Life brings together over thirty years of research in an extraordinary biography of the quintessential pioneer. Based on primary sources, the book depicts Boone through the eyes of those who knew him and within the historical contexts of his eighty-six years. The story of Daniel Boone offers new insights into the turbulent birth and growth of the nation and demonstrates why the frontier forms such a significant part of the American experience.
User Reviews:
Charles H. Westgate III | 12/20/2010 5:24 PM
Daniel Boone was a real live hero that brought him into a American folk hero of an American folklore of the tall tale of Daniel Boone. He helped the settlers through dangerous trail to Kentucky. Kept his settlers from hostile warriors of a prejudice Indian tribes of Kentucky. That Daniel Boone had face them for harmony on Earth.    

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