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Defying Ocean''s End: An Agenda for Action

By Edited by Linda K. Glover and Sylvia A. Earle

Publisher: Island Press, November 2004
ISBN: 1-55963-755-2
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
If humankind were given a mandate to do everything in our power to undermine the earth's functioning, we could hardly do a better job than we have in the past thirty years on the world's oceans, both by what we are putting into it and by what we are taking out of it. Yet only recently have we begun to understand the scale of those impacts.

Defying Ocean's End is the result of an unprecedented effort among the world's largest environmental organizations, scientists, the business community, media, and international governments to address marine issues. In June 2003, in the culmination of a year-long effort, they met specifically to develop a comprehensive and achievable agenda to reverse the decline in health of the world's oceans.

As conservation organizations begin to expand their focus from land issues to include a major focus on preservation of the sea, it is increasingly apparent that we have to approach marine conservaton differently and at much larger scale than we have to date. What's also clear is the magnitude and immediacy of the growing ocean concerns are such that no one organization can handle the job alone.

Defying Ocean's End is a bold step in bringing the resources needed to bear on this vast problem before it is too late. It offers a broad strategy, a practical plan with priorities and costs, aimed at mobilizing the forces needed to bring about a "sea change" of favorabe attitutdes, actions, and outcomes for the oceans-and for all of us.

User Reviews:
alishah | 4/18/2009 9:50 AM
can you tell me more about your self. the computer is not enough. and i am doing a research report too and i can't find any books

Please check out the story about Sylvia Earle on MY HERO

You will find a list of books about her and links to other sites at the end of the story that we believe you will find very helpful in your research.  Good luck!

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

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