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Desert Flower: The Extraordinary Journey of a Desert Nomad

By Waris Dirie, Cathleen Miller

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, October 1999
ISBN: 0688172377
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
From the Publisher
Waris Dirie leads a double life-by day, she is an international supermodel and human rights ambassador for the United Nations; by night, she dreams of the simplicity of life in her native Somalia and the family she was forced to leave behind. Desert Flower, her intimate and inspiring memoir, is a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered about the beauty of African life, the chaotic existence of a supermodel, or the joys of new motherhood. Waris was born into a traditional Somali family, desert nomads who engaged in such ancient and antiquated customs as genital mutilation and arranged marriage. At twelve, she fled an arranged marriage to an old man and traveled alone across the dangerous Somali desert to Mogadishu -- the first leg of an emotional journey that would take her to London as a house servant, around the world as a fashion model, and eventually to America, where she would find peace in motherhood and humanitarian work for the U.N. Today, as Special Ambassador for the U.N., she travels the world speaking out against the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation, promoting women's reproductive rights, and educating people about the Africa she fled -- but still deeply loves. Desert Flower will be published simultaneously in eleven languages throughout the world and is currently being produced as a feature film by Rocket Pictures UK.
User Reviews:
Thisara de Silva | 12/11/2007 3:49 PM
I've read this highly emotional book with lots of expectations to help to prevent this violence.
The book is absolutely outstanding with everything. I mean the way it is written can be  highly appreciated. I still cant imagine how did Waris bear those stone-age routine following by her culture.
Waris, You are a real heroine. Please do write us some more about your life.
Cheers !

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