The MY HERO Project | Library


By Sylvia A. Earle

Publisher: National Geographic Society, February 1999
ISBN: 0792271440
MY HERO recommends this book to readers of all age groups.
An autobiography by Sylvia Earle about her explorations under the sea. This book has wonderful pictures and great information for older children.
User Reviews:
Sara Hassler | 12/3/2007 8:42 AM
Sylvia you are NOW my hero I am truly inspired by nyou for all the things you have done for you closest companion....... the ocean. I would do what you do but............ I am afraid of sharks and frankly I'm afraid to be in water by myself. So I can't. But anyway I'm doing a book report on you, and I have you used a lot of stuff from ... it has lots of good stuff. You are a hero to many kids including me, although I wish I could find out some more information but that is imposible.
                    Sara Hassler

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