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Dr. Susan Love''s Menopause and Hormone Book: Making Informed Choices: All the Facts about the New Hormone Replacement Therapy Studies

By Susan M. Love, Karen Lindsey

Publisher: Crown Publishing Group, January 2003
ISBN: 0609809962
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
In the first edition of this important bestselling book, praised by Newsday as “the bible for a whole generation of menopausal women,” renowned physician and pioneering women’s health advocate Dr. Susan Love warned about the potential dangers of the long-term prescription of hormone replacement therapy. Her insightful words of caution have been backed up by the stunning results of the recent studies on hormone replacement.

In this revised edition, Dr. Love offers a remarkably clear set of guidelines as to what the studies have shown about the risks regarding heart disease, breast cancer, stroke, and other conditions, and what effect hormone therapy has on osteoporosis. She offers definitive expert advice about whether or not to go on hormone replacement therapy and, if so, for how long, as well as how to taper off hormones; and she introduces the alternative methods for treating the symptoms of menopause. Dr. Love stresses that menopause is not a disease that needs to be cured—it is a natural life stage, and every woman ought to choose her own mix of options for coping with symptoms. A questionnaire about your own health history and life preferences helps you develop a program that will best fit your unique needs. With clarity and compassion, she walks you through every option for both the short and the long term, including: • lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, and stress management) • alternative therapies (including herbs and homeopathic remedies) • available medications other than hormones

Author Biography: DR. SUSAN LOVE, M.D., is an adjunct professor of surgery at UCLA and the president of the Susan Love, M.D., Breast Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the eradication of breast cancer. She is the author, with Karen Lindsey, of the renowned Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book. She lives in Los Angeles..

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