Coronavirus Community HeroesMY HERO
Shannon Luders-Manuel
The MY HERO Project
APRIL 13, 2020 – LAGUNA BEACH, CA — The MY HERO Project, in partnership with Storytelling Association of California (SAC), is hosting a contest to honor heroes working to support the community during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
“The Board of the Storytelling Association of California (SAC) is excited to be partnering with The MY HERO Project in this timely and important event,” said Sara Armstrong, SAC co-chair. “Community heroes are always with us, but in this unprecedented and difficult time, it's extremely important to highlight their work and thank them for all their efforts.”
Heroes can be anyone supporting the health of the public — a healthcare professional, a neighbor delivering groceries, a retired person sewing masks to help prevent the spread of the virus. The choices are many.
The contest is open to writers of all ages and levels of experience. Essays will be judged in separate categories — elementary school, middle school, high school, and professionals. Judges are members of SAC. Winners, and their heroes, will each receive a MY HERO t-shirt and a $50 gift certificate.
The MY HERO Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) dedicated to sharing stories, music, art and short films about heroes from around the world. Teachers in 197 countries use MY HERO’s free, educational resources in classrooms and afterschool programs.
SAC is a nonprofit organization designed to promote storytelling as a living art form. Through small groups, SAC members share information about storytelling and its history and foster opportunities through networking and education.
The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2020. For more information, visit the MY HERO website or contact Shannon Luders-Manuel at [email protected].
Page created on 4/14/2020 4:00:13 AM
Last edited 4/14/2020 4:12:41 AM