The MY HERO Project | Library

Exceptional Women Environmentalists

By Frances Rooney

Publisher: Second Story Press, October 2007
ISBN: 9781897187227
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Global warming. Pollution. Endangered and extinct animals. There is no question we are doing harm to the earth - grasslands in Somalia have dried up, unable to sustain agriculture; ice floes are thinning and breaking up in the North; life-sustaining wetlands are disappearing.

Exceptional Women Environmentalists profiles ten advocates for the earth and shows how ordinary people can do extraordinary things. From Rachel Carson, the woman who started the modern environmental movement, to Severn Cullis-Suzuki, an environmental activist since before she was thirteen years old, and Marina Silva, who fights to keep the Brazilian rainforest from vanishing, these are all passionate women who work tirelessly on behalf of those who have no voice. Their inspiring work is making a vital difference for our planet.

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