
New York City Fire Department

by Sean Crystal from Cleveland

September 11th 2001; a day that will never be forgotten. Many people were lost in the attack on the World Trade Center. Families lost their fathers, brothers, sons, cousins, friends, etc. Public service workers were also lost. Firefighters, police officers, and good Samaritans were willing to live up to their names.

The FDNY lost many firefighters due to the attack. Many walked in planning to return with victims, never imagining that September 11 would be their last day. More than 300 were lost to save lives.

The FDNY are heroes to us, and I am sure many other people because they possess the bravery to walk right into imminent death and not falter. It is amazing how any single person can risk their life just to save someone else’s.

Off-duty firefighters from all over New York, and all over the country came to save other people's lives. About one-fourth of the people who died in the World Trade Center were firefighters. If that is not the kind of stuff heroes are made of, I don't know what is.

Not only the FDNY, but also other firefighters who were willing to save victims in this attack, should be thanked. Although this attack could not have been prevented, the lives that were saved are a testament to the bravery, hard work, and dedication to firefighters everywhere. This site is to give thanks to all that have helped. Especially to the 343 firefighters lost. This day will never be forgotten.

Page created on 9/12/2006 1:23:41 PM

Last edited 9/12/2006 1:23:41 PM

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