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George Washington Carver: In His Own Words

By George Washington Carver, Gary R. Kremer (Editor), George Washington Kremer

Publisher: Univ of Missouri Pr (Txt); Reprint Edition (December 1991)
ISBN: 0826207855
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
User Reviews:
Ariel Carter | 11/10/2008 5:13 AM
Why was George Washington Carver a hero?

George Washington Carver was a scientist and professor famous for developing crop-rotation methods to conserve nutrients in the soil.  He also discovered many different uses for a variety of crops including the peanut.  Click here to read more about him on MY HERO.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

Ashley | 3/27/2006 4:34 AM
Hey everyone this is such a touching book! i love it so much, so enjoy, and good luck on your project!
ashleigh | 3/1/2006 10:04 PM
i love this book it is awesome
Jacob | 2/27/2005 10:50 PM
it is the best book

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