Global Youth Service Day Lesson Plan

Curated Multimedia Teacher Resources. Global Youth Service Day celebrates and mobilizes youth serving their communities. 

Stories About Youth Activists Making a Difference

Global youth service day
Credit: MY HERO

Global Youth Service Day 2025 takes place on April 25-27

Inspire your students with this short music video, Unsung Hero Song, featuring youth. This song was written and performed by Kitty Richardson. (1:55)


Unsung Hero Song

Produced by:Kitty Richardson, George Abalone, Edited by Katie Graubart, Animatio...
This song was written and performed by Kitty Richardson.

 Environmental activist Slater Jewel-Kemker began her journey as a MY HERO Youth Reporter. She has dedicated over a decade documenting the work of brave youth from around the world for her feature documentary, "Youth Unstoppable."

To learn more about Slater's early work with MY HERO: Films About and By Young Filmmaker Slater Jewell Kemker


Slater Unstoppable (1:47)

Produced by:MY HERO

Slater's commitment to the global youth climate movement is truly inspiring. Slater Jewell Kemker is a Director, Activist and change maker. 

Short Film Program

The following films are about youth activists who identified a problem, then worked on creating a solution by becoming a leader in their community.

60 Sec Docs with Jahkil Jackson (1:00)

By: 60 Sec docs
Jahkil Jackson from Chicago is the founder of Project I Am, an organization raising awareness about homelessness.

Ocean Hero Spotlight (4:23)

By: Jessica Vance
Oluwaseyi Moejoh from Nigeria and Heather Brockbank from the Bahamas share their stories of ocean activism.

Green SuperHeroes 2030 Trailer (0:54)

By: Los Angeles Barea
A group of 10 young environmentalists changing the world for the better. Their powers make the planet greener.

Alex Epstein: The Power of Volunteering (6:52)

Producer: The Institute for Advancing Unity/The Working Group

A young man becomes an activist when his fellow citizens suffer from a national disaster. 

MABON ‘The 8 year old activist’ (4:39)

Jack Davies
Our world has a serious ocean plastics problem. There are now a higher number of plastics in the ocean than the number of fish.

Olivia's Birds and the Oil Spill (6:45)

Producer: Lynne Cherry

Young Olivia loves birds, and creates over 500 paintings of her feathered friends to raise funds for Audubon's bird rescue.

Stories About Youth Activists Making a Positive Difference

Greta Thunberg

By: MY HERO Staff
On the first day, Greta Thunberg, a climate activist with Asperger's, protested outside of Swedish Parliament alone. Now, she's leading 1.5 million students globally.

William Kamkwamba

By: Dorothy Lie

William Kamkwamba is a Malawian engineer, TED speaker, and memoirist who, at 14, built his first windmill from junkyard scraps to help his struggling family farm.

Trash Heroes

By: Elias Amador
Trash Heroes is an international, volunteer-led organization that mobilizes youth in over 12 countries to clean and prevent plastic waste in their communities.

The Following Story has Audio and Text Allowing Students to Listen as They Read Along

Ryan Hreljac

By: Wendy Jewell

Ryan Hreljac helps build wells for clean water in Africa. 

Discussion Questions

1. How are these activists examples of how one person can make a difference regardless of his or her age?

2. What common character traits did you notice about these people?

3. Which issues did you make a personal connection with and why?

4. What are important issues related to climate change facing your community or the world that you would like to address? What can you do? Create an action plan and share your story with MY HERO.


Students are encouraged to research the youth activist below to learn more about their accomplishments.

Greta Thunberg

By: Ng Z-Yi from Malaysia

Together and United (a portrait of Greta Thunberg)

By: Deysha Cumba
Greta Thunberg is a Swedish climate activist.

Tyra Hemans

By: Mariam Tehari, Boys & Girls Club Laguna Beach
Tyra Hemans, advocate for The March For Our Lives

Iqbal Masih

By: Sydney from Laguna Beach

Ruby Bridges by Elena Nazzaro

By: Elena Nazzaro
Beautiful illustration of young Ruby Bridges by Elena Nazzaro, French Toast Girl.com

The Future is Female!

By: Joshua Urevbu
Celebrating Malala's activism for young women.

Claudette Colvin

By: Robert Shetterly
Robert Shetterly of Americans Who Tell the Truth has painted a portrait of the brave young African-American girl who would not give up her bus seat in 1955

Barbara Johns

By: Robert Shetterly

Jaysa Hunter-Mellers

By: Robert Shetterly

Tarana Burke

By: Robert Shetterly

Zyahna Bryant

By: Robert Shetterly

Samantha Smith

By: Robert Shetterly

Samantha Reed Smith (June 29, 1972 - August 25, 1985) was an American schoolgirl from Manchester, Maine, who became known as "America's Youngest Ambassador" in the United States

Learning Outcome

Students will have a better understanding of how one person can make a difference and identify causes that they feel are important. Students will have an opportunity to create an action plan as to how they can work on an issue important to them.

Students can share their Hero Essays, Films and Art through our Create Program

How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Stories, Art, Film and Audio for Students

Tutorial for students: Publish written stories, film, original artwork and audio in MY HERO's multimedia library.

Create Program
Credit: MY HERO

Outstanding essays submitted to MY HERO will be considered for a certificate/t-shirt prize or be featured on the Story Homepage.

Submit your artwork to be entered in the MY HERO art contest or to be exhibited on our Gallery Homepage.

Students can submit their films for free with a waiver to the MY HERO International Film Festival.

MY HERO Calendars for use in the Classroom

MY HERO's Teachers Calendar Features Lesson Plans and Multimedia Resources

Teachers Calendar
Credit: MY HERO

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Use the MY HERO Calendar in the Classroom


Laura Nietzer

The Global Youth Service Day lesson plan was curated by MY HERO Education Outreach Director Laura Nietzer and features youth heroes.


Organizer created on 3/14/2019 1:48:52 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 2/26/2025 12:47:24 PM by Laura Nietzer