Holocaust Stories that Include Text with Audio for ESL

Let us never forget the Holocaust. These stories all have text with an audio link allowing students to listen as they read along. 

Credit: Gerda Klein by Marilyn Huerta

Irena Sendler

By: Kelly from Spokane

Irena Sendler helped Jewish children escape the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust.

Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara

By: Jacob from Fredericksburg
Click here to listen to the story

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

By: Katharine from Peach Tree

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor and martyr of the Holocaust.

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis

By: Taylor Copeland

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis was an artist and teacher who gave children hope during the Holocaust.

Corrie Ten Boom

By: Maddi--14, Maine USA

Corrie Ten Boom risked her life to help hundreds of Jews escape during WWII.

"The International Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27th commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest and one of the most deadly of the Nazi death camps, on that day in 1945. Over one million people, mostly Jews, were killed in Auschwitz. Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Eleven million human beings across political, social, national, and religious lines, were killed as victims of Nazi persecution. Seventy-five years later, we reflect back on humanity’s worst impulses—Yet in choosing to commemorate the liberation of the camp alongside recalling the suffering that took place in it, the historical moment reminds us that we should persist toward hope and justice, and that it is in our power to fight against such evil—and to win." - Deb Donig, Assistant Professor of English Literature, Cal Poly


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Credit: USHMM

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
Credit: International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

Echoes and Reflections Holocaust Teacher Resources for Middle and High School
Credit: Echoes and Reflections

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Visit the MY HERO Calendar

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Use the MY HERO Calendar in the Classroom

MY HERO's Teachers Calendar Features Lesson Plans and Multimedia Resources

MY HERO Teachers Calendar
Credit: MY HERO

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Organizer created on 1/6/2020 2:46:01 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 2/22/2024 8:59:35 AM by Laura Nietzer