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Mammolina: A Story About Maria Montessori

By Barbara O'Connor

Publisher: Carolhoda Books, Inc. 1993
ISBN: 0876146027
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Describes the life and achievements of the Italian woman doctor who developed a revolutionary method of educating children.
User Reviews:
karen vaughan | 10/17/2011 3:54 AM
I took out some books in the last five years finally finding the book "gulag" by anne applebaum and following the atrocities as well as some of the routes and the people who seemed to be in the same place at the same time - I am not sure if they already have a book out about the people that Maria Montessori met and anything that may have been recorded - Aldous Huxley may have been an example of a person she may have influenced and his books in an english way speak gently of life in the midst of great suffering without being untruthful - I have advised other people to read her work especially the "absorbent mind" because there is very little else which really meets the grade in dealing imediately with todays problems in every way - if there is already a book - [email protected]

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