The MY HERO Project | Library

Mia Hamm: Striking Superstar

By Rachel Rutledge

Publisher: Millbrook Press, October 2000
ISBN: 0761313818
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Children's Literature
Part of the publisher's "Soccer's New Wave" series, chronicling many of today's new athletic icons, this title profiles soccer star Mia Hamm who won an Olympic Gold Medal as a leading member of the American Olympic soccer team. She is now a prominent reason why soccer has become so popular with young players, particularly girls, who have their own star athlete to emulate. Today, replicas of her number 9 Team USA Olympic jersey are big sellers, testifying to her enormous popularity, previously unheard of for a woman soccer player. Hamm's exposure to the sport began early in her life, when, as the daughter of a fighter pilot, she was a military brat, living an itinerant life as her father's assignments changed. But being exposed to different sets of children on a regular basis as her family moved around turned into a benefit to the future Olympian, exposing her early on to a wide variety of competition. Like other books in this series, this title explores the subject's life, from childhood to star, in a light, easy to understand style. Although there is not much detail in this 48-page title, this book will undoubtedly grab the attention of those reluctant readers who happen to be sports fans. 2000, The Millbrook Press, Ages 8 to 10, $20.90. Reviewer: Bruce Adelson
User Reviews:
sam | 4/15/2010 11:32 AM
she rocks
kay r | 2/26/2010 11:30 PM
i did a whole report on the team you were on. and the crazy thing is against france my mom refereed you and i just think your amazing one of the things i would like to do is meet you. you are the one person that i look up to and right now i am deciding to stay on the team i am on who has a coach that hates me or a good coach and lose my friends HELP!!
Kaila | 1/5/2010 5:33 AM
I luv you mia hamm ur the best soccer player ever nd i hope to b just like you some day!!!
Molly | 2/2/2009 6:10 AM
Your Book is the best.
yahjaira | 10/30/2008 4:25 AM
there is never going to be another player like u!!!
Cristin | 9/29/2008 2:32 AM
You are my  best model on the Soccer Feild.  

Annabelle-Big Fan of SOCCER!! | 4/7/2008 5:26 AM
i live, love, and breath the sport!! Mia Hamm, ur my idol and i hope 2 meet u 1 day..i loved ur book. I read it everyday and when I have spare time, I read it over and over again..
morgan clark | 3/11/2008 10:58 PM
does mia hamm still play for the u.s.a

According to the Mia Hamm Foundation Web site, she played her last international soccer game of her career on December 8, 2004 in Carson, California.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

MAiread | 3/6/2008 4:34 AM
i love you MIA!! i read this book and LOVED IT!!
Alexandra Age 11 | 2/19/2008 10:10 AM
Mia Hamm,
You are my role model! You inspire me so much! Soccer is my favorite sport to play! I REALLY wish I could meet you! I love you! I am your biggest fan!
tony | 1/28/2008 3:44 AM
mia hamm is the best
tonia | 1/16/2008 3:31 AM
you are so awsome              
Nikki Thorpe | 1/3/2008 6:57 AM
YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
karren and julie | 6/14/2007 9:26 AM
when i grow up i want to b just like u b/c u r my 1 and only inspirational hero. the book rox and if i could eat it i would b/c thats how good it is!! woo woo
love ur fans
karren and julie
watching u playing the winning game of the world cup...
Astrid | 3/17/2007 3:51 AM
You are such a great role model.I have to do this essay about a professional player and I picked you.You are my hero.
Daisy hirsh | 3/5/2007 11:01 AM
Mia I loved this Book. i love soccer and i think you rock
Maddie Firestone | 2/4/2007 12:21 AM
This book helped me learn so much about you! You inspire me so much.
Bob Smith | 11/29/2006 7:34 AM
I Have to do this for a project and I love this book.Soccer rox my sox!!!!!!
haley giuliani age 8 | 10/22/2006 7:46 AM
this is the best book best book !!!!!!!!!!! my dad was going to name me mia i love soccer
Riley Oldham Age 7 | 10/6/2006 3:15 AM
I love soccer!  And I love how you love you play soccer.  
Ari | 10/1/2006 12:39 PM
You  are  the  best  mia!!!!!!!!!!!!This  book  is  so  awesome.
Larissa | 5/24/2006 10:18 PM
I love your books there so good! Guess what my number on my Soccer Jersey is 9 Im a big fan.
Ashley | 4/26/2006 1:14 AM
This book is so good. I loved it
Jenna | 3/17/2006 10:54 PM
I picked up the book, Mia Hamm Striking Superstar from my library and I love it.
jared | 2/25/2006 5:07 AM
i loved your was awesome
luke J. Simpson | 2/21/2006 3:38 AM
I liked this book.............
It was really cool
Amber | 1/31/2006 9:05 PM
I had to do a hero project and this book was my only resource.  However, I couldn't find Mia's birthdate, I went on the web and found this site thank you so much.

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