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Mother: Famous Writers Celebrate Motherhood With a Treasury of Short Stories, Essays, and Poems

By Claudia O'Keefe (Editor), Faye Kellerman (Contributor), Amy Tan (Contributor)

Publisher: Pocket Books; Reprint edition (May 1996)
ISBN: 0671529986
MY HERO recommends this book to readers of all age groups.
These stories, poems, and essays -- some never before published -- are both real and imagined, and penned by daughters, sons...and mothers.

From Amy Tan's essay on a first-generation American mother and her acculturated daughter to Nora Ephron's account of living under the aegis of a career mother who drank as hard as she worked; from Maya Angelou's moving poem epitomizing the strength of a welfare mother to Mary Higgins Clark's poignant essay about her wild Irish mother; and from Joyce Carol Oates's haunting tale in which a woman finds herself visited by the ghosts of unborn children to Laurie Colwin's stirring story revealing a woman's thoughts and feelings as she's about to give birth, this collection will have you by turns laughing, crying, and waxing nostalgic. Whether you're far from your mother, just a door away, or long for the days when your relationship was simpler, this remarkable anthology promises to touch your heart, calm your spirit, and remain forever in your memory.

User Reviews:
kellie | 11/9/2010 3:56 AM
i love this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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