

by Nancy Nickerson

The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. -- Unknown

Mother and Child Many children, young and old, write to MY HERO about their mothers. They write about mothers as mentors, mothers who are single parents, and mothers whose unconditional love makes them heroes. Some visitors write about women who are not birth mothers, but who are like a mother to them.

Beth from Roscommon, Michigan U.S.A.

My mother is my hero because she's smart, thoughtful and the most unselfish person I've ever met. I think she deserves recognition for that alone. Believe me, she is a hero!

Sasha from Fort Clayton, Panama

My hero is my mother. The reason she is my hero is because she has always taught me to never give up. She has told me to go for my dreams and to never give up. I have and will always love her. Thanks a lot Mom! I love you, Sasha


Throughout the ages, women have given birth to and nurtured the children of the world. Women have also founded ideas and movements. "Mother" can mean "give rise to" as much as "to be a parent." Many women are heroes who inspired or led a change in the world in some important way. The stories of the following women reflect the best contributions of womankind.


Chinese mother Guestbook stories about mothers from all over the world.

Letters to Our DaughtersRead about the book, Letters to Our Daughters: Mothers' Words of Love, by Kristine Van Raden and Molly Davis.






Mary Lyon Harriet Tubman Eleanor Roosevelt Susan B. Anthony
Rosa Parks Amelia Earhart Wilma Rudolph Marie Curie





bintibtn.jpg 1.5 K Binti Jua is a special mother hero.
Find out how this Gorilla rescued
a three year old boy in Chicago.
Chelsea's mom, Hillary Clinton,
has served the country as First Lady and now works in the United States Senate representing the people of New York.
hclintbw.gif 8.4 K

Page created on 9/21/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/21/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Tribute to Motherhood - The Tribute to Motherhood page includes famous quotes about mothers as well as free art you can download to make greeting cards.

Extra Info

Pour Maman (for Mommy)

I have plucked three wild flowers,
But the most beautiful which I like so much,
But the most beautiful is for my Mom.

I have found three white pebbles,
But the most beautiful which I like so much,
But the most beautiful is for my Mom.

I have nothing but a child's little heart,
But my little heart does love her so much,
But my little heart is for my Mom.

Author Unknown,
translated from French

Rose Cupid Heart
Mothers of all kinds are heroes. Fathers are heroes too! Grandparents are heroes too!

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