Poster Contest

The MY HERO Project presents the Digital Sustainability Mural Contest in partnership with The Art Miles Project and the UN Association - San Diego.

“At its essence, sustainability means ensuring prosperity and environmental protection without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. A sustainable world is one where people can escape poverty and enjoy decent work without harming the earth’s essential ecosystems and resources; where people can stay healthy and get the food and water they need; where everyone can access clean energy that doesn’t contribute to climate change; where women and girls are afforded equal rights and equal opportunities.” - Secretary General, Ban-Ki Moon

The Poster Contest was developed in partnership with The Art Miles Project in order to promote and celebrate heroes furthering the UN Sustainability Goals. Download our contest flyer in the resource page and click here to learn more about the UN Sustainability Goals. Use the links below for how you can incorporate them in your classroom/home.   

UN Sustainable Development Goals Teacher Resources and Lesson Plan

By: Laura Nietzer

Share the importance of the UN Sustainability Goals with your students. 

UN Sustainability Goals Poster
Credit: UN Sustainability Goals

Poster Contest Guidelines 

Contest Details:

The poster can be done in any medium and mixed media. We welcome creativity! Create poster with your class or individually at home. Prizes will be awarded!


Choose a Sustainable Development Goal along with a Hero working to further that goal. 

Create a 8x11 poster based on the selected hero and sustainable development goal. 

Register here for a free account to share multimedia.

Upload a high resolution jpeg photo of the poster (50 megabytes with dimensions 5x7) using the Create Program

Select  ‘Digital Imagery’ under Media Type.

Select the Hero Category that best reflects your hero and goal. 

Write "contest" in Selected Tags section.

Write about your sustainable hero and goal artwork in the Description Section.

Add an additional photo of the artist(s) OR your selected sustainability hero. 


Submissions will be accepted until October 1st.

To receive email updates about submission deadlines for our other contests and calls for submission, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Artwork Examples

Check out these examples from The Art Miles Project:

Cesar Chavez

By: Mario Torero
Champion of the laborer.

Jane Goodall

By: Todd and students from Southwestern college in San Diego
Art Miles Mural and MY HERO partner on the HERO MILE

Founder of the Real Earth Day- John Mc Connell

By: Cecelia

Ocean/ Environmental Mural 2015

By: Ritchie King

Related Materials

Organizer created on 3/13/2020 9:41:00 AM by Giselle Villatoro

Last edited 10/5/2020 2:29:58 PM by Xenia Shin