MY HERO Student Examples and Links to Resources

Student Activism 

When Emmy was in 4th grade, her class participated in the MY HERO Project. She wrote a story about her father, Jeremy Glick, who died on September 11, 2001. After sharing her story, her class decided they wanted to do something to honor Jeremy. The students decided they wanted to raise money for the Japanese relief effort after the tsunami in 2011. They partnered with an after school program in Harlem run by Jeremy's Heroes, a charity started by Jeremy's family. Students in both locations became filmmakers documenting their efforts. 

Jeremy Glick

By: Emmy from Saddle River

Jeremy Glick was a hero of Flight 93 and Emmy's beloved father.

My Hero: Call to Action

By: Laura Nietzer

Pictures documenting Saddle River Day School students efforts honoring Jeremy Glick.

Call to Action

Produced by:Laura Nietzer

Film documenting kids becoming activists in memory of a classmate's father.

Jackie’s film "The Buddy Club" won first place in the Middle School film contest category. It examines an after-school program started by Jackie’s sister Katie when she was in middle school, which pairs students with disabilities with other students whom they normally would not have class. 

The Buddy Club

Produced by:Jackie McMahon
Finding friends for friends in need.

Jackie McMahon

By: David Kelly

The film Sultana Call to Action is about a 6th grade Science class in California and a Call to Action project inspired by a field trip to a local water source. They held an Earth Fair and documented their efforts in this film. 

Sultana Call to Action

Produced by:Madeline Gullim

Madeline Gillum's 6th Grade Class at Sultana Elementary created this video through the MY HERO / iEARN Learning Circles.

Started by a small group of students, find out how GO GREEN is catching on with the ECO Club at Thurston Middle School in Laguna Beach, California.

Eco Club

Produced by:Michael Fenner
A student's passion for going green.

Links to Resources on the MY HERO Website

The Educators Quick Start Guide has links to each section of our multimedia library, links to resources, tutorials and curated content by subject for use by educators. It is a good place to start.


Educators Quick Start Guide
Credit: MY HERO

The PDF includes many more links to resources on the MY HERO website, as well as step by step tutorials for students as they use our Create Program to publish their projects. 


PDF Link to Tutorials and Resources for Educators and Students
Credit: MY HERO

Students can share their Hero Essays, Films and Art through our Create Program

Outstanding essays submitted to MY HERO will be considered for a certificate/t-shirt prize or be featured on the Story Homepage.

Submit your artwork to be entered in the MY HERO art contest or to be exhibited on our Gallery Homepage.

Students can submit their films for free with a waiver to the MY HERO International Film Festival.

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Use the MY HERO Calendar in the Classroom

Organizer created on 9/25/2019 8:47:55 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 2/24/2020 3:55:16 PM by Laura Nietzer