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Nellie Bly''s Book: Around the World in 72 Days

By Nellie Bly, Ira Peck (Editor)

Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group, September 1998
ISBN: 0761309713
MY HERO recommends this book to young adult readers.
An abridged version of the famous woman journalist's experiences as she tries to make a trip around the world in less than eighty days in the late nineteenth century.
User Reviews:
casssidy | 2/11/2010 1:10 AM
this an awesome person and i loved reading about her
Elizabeth Sherman | 10/29/2009 4:13 AM
She's amzing! This link is very helpful
caroline m | 1/14/2009 6:09 AM
i'm doing history fair on her and i didn't relizie that she helped do so much she is so inspiring!
kelsey | 1/23/2008 11:13 PM
this book is amazing its so inspiring to a young woman!
Tim | 12/28/2007 4:40 AM
Nellie Bly was my Great-Great Grandmother. I am doing some geneology work and was wondering where I could get more info on her.

Have you seen the story on MY HERO about Nellie Bly?  You will find other recommended reading at the end of the piece as well as links to other websites that might be helpful to you in your research.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

caroline fletcher | 5/30/2007 1:35 AM
thank you nellie bly for helping this world
briana colbert | 5/30/2007 1:33 AM
i love this picture because i am doing a biography on nellie bly and i have to dress up like her.
=] | 9/10/2006 11:58 PM
im doing a paper on nellie bly for my journalism class. i need help.

You may want to take a look at the story about Nellie Bly on MY HERO.  There are some excellent links to more information about her, as well as other books that might be helpful to you in writing your report.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

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