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Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography

By Albert Schweitzer, Antje Bultmann Lemke, Jimmy Carter, Rhena Schweitzer Miller (Preface)

Publisher: Johns Hopkins Univ Pr; (November 1998)
ISBN: 0801860970
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
From the Publisher
Of the many highly esteemed books Albert Schweitzer penned in his life, he valued his autobiography the most. He had become a legend and he wanted to remind readers that he was just a man, and a man who had learned from many others. He had been fortunate to be in the right places at the right times, to meet people of thought and sympathy. He wanted to report his debts to them. He wanted to clarify his reasons and methods for his undertakings and to respond to some of his critics. And, he wished to honor something greater than he was--reverence for life. Reverence for Life became his life's motto, and it brought him pain as well as joy as he sought to respect how precious and unique each life is. Schweitzer believed there was a way to live in the world, accept it, take joy from it--and who could know this better than a man who had placed himself so much in it, given so much for it, and had been ready to receive experience as a gift to be thankful for.
User Reviews:
jennifer | 9/14/2006 12:54 AM
you  have  wrote  some great  books  so long  ago  ,but  your  last  book   told some things about  your  wife    im  sorry  she  died!!    well  thank  you  for  writting   these wonderfull  books

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