Responsible Choices is the ability to make positive, constructive decisions about how to behave, based on consideration of ethical standards (i.e., right and wrong) as well as relevant social norms and safety concerns.
A film about John Lewis on citizenship and character: "To be a good citizen is to obey the rules...the laws. Unless those laws conflict with your conscience.
10-year-old Jaysa rallies the community with speeches about how the power plant causes asthma. When they succeed in shutting down the plant, Jaysa concludes that “words have power.”
Young people relate what it is like to have to care for others with illnesses and disabilities. They are called young carers, and each have to take on great responsibilities.
Eric weighed 340 pounds and was diagnosed with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and Type II Diabetes. His doctor told him he had 5 years to live. Then he met Peety.
Nine-year-old Milo Cress is concerned about the millions of straws that pollute waterways, waste fossil-fuel resource and harm ocean creatures. He convinces restaurants to “go straw-free”.
The Buddy Club: Started by high school student Katie McMahon- finding friends for friends in need.
Stories Demonstrating Responsible Choices
Trash Heroes is an international, volunteer-led organization that mobilizes youth in over 12 countries to clean and prevent plastic waste in their communities.
Kids Helping Kids, the Connecticut-based nonprofit youth group of middle schoolers and teens, plans and carries out projects that make a positive difference in their community and beyond.
Organizer created on 8/25/2020 1:56:55 PM by Laura Nietzer
Last edited 12/22/2020 11:48:31 AM by Laura Nietzer