
Shalom Ukraine (YouthBridge) is a Film Festival Winner

by Abigail Richardson from MY HERO Staff

We are young, diverse, committed and motivated. We want to make our world a better place!

Shalom Ukraine (YouthBridge) directed by Olga Kotlytska, Sofija Pavlenko and Sofia Bondarenko is the winner of The Ron Kovic Peace Prize for Youth & Community at the 19th MY HERO International Film Festival. 

Narrated by 15-year-old Maksym (Max) Demchenko from Ukraine, Shalom Ukraine is a film about Ukrainian teenage refugees, from different parts of Ukraine, who find themselves in Germany and, despite their problems and difficulties, find shared experiences and a shared love of the arts within the YouthBridge organization.

153138Shalom UkraineOlga Kotlytska

YouthBridge is an award-winning two-year leadership project for young people from Bavaria. The initiative was founded in New York in 2003 and arrived in Munich in 2017. Young people are brought together on a monthly basis to participate in multiple educational seminars that are led by speakers from different cities and countries. During these seminars, participants learn about important social issues such as democracy, communication, respect, and self-realization.

The project aims to encourage diversity, creativity, and collaboration and fight against hatred, antisemitism, discrimination, and radicalization all over Bavaria. Its participants represent various ethnic, cultural, and/or religious communities. They interact and mutually enrich each other through seminars, fireside chats, educational trips, and project work, and it prepares participants for their future roles as social, cultural, political, and economic leaders.

'Project work' is the second essential part of YouthBridge which allows young people to put their newly acquired knowledge into use in a variety of projects such as social, cultural and political projects. One of which is Shalom Ukraine, a project which began in March 2022 just two weeks after the outbreak of war. Within two weeks, the project had 25 participants, all of whom originated from Ukraine. Participants in the project learn a variety of skills/tools including social media and media. The idea for the film was born from two students interested in media and out of a desire to raise awareness about the ongoing war.

153137Shalom UkraineOlga Kotlytska

In ShalomUkraine, Max explains how he had suffered a tragic accident that left one of his legs 6.5 cm shorter than the other. Having always loved to dance, this was a depressing proposition, but he took courage and learned to work around his injury. When the war came, Maksyn moved to Germany with just his mother and found solace in the group YouthBridge, Munich, where he met other like-minded children and teens from the Ukraine who also enjoyed the arts. The film Shalom Ukraine portrays Maksyn’s journey and his bravery. It also highlights the devastation of many of the towns in Ukraine. In the film, we also meet other Ukrainian refugees: Myron, Khristina, Tymur, Mylana, Milena, Daria, Anhelina, all of whom have found support and a home within the YouthBridge community.

The film, originating as a YouthBridge/Shalom Ukraine project, was made specifically for the MY HERO festival by Olga Kotlytska, Sofija Pavlenko and Sofia Bondarenko who wanted to convey to Europeans the truth about Ukraine. 

MY HERO interviewed mother and daughter team, Olga Kotlytska and Sofija Pavlenko.

153143Sofia BondarenkoOlga Kotlytska153142Sofija PavlenkoOlga Kotlytska153141Olga KotlytskaOlga Kotlytska

How did you learn about MY HERO? 

We initially heard about MY HERO from Eva Haller the President of Janusz Korczak Academy*, who had met MY HERO’s own Eva Haller (board member and sponsor of the Women Transforming Media Film Festival Prize) when organizing an exhibition in Venice in 2016. Eva encouraged us to submit to the festival and our film YouthBridge- My Hero - Sister Scholastica was a finalist in last year’s (2022) event.

*YouthBridge is a by-product of The European Janusz Korczak Academy, a Jewish foundation structured around the values of Janusz Korczak, a Polish Jewish educator, children's author, and pedagogue.

Could you tell us about the making of the film?

We knew we wanted to enter the festival again and came up with the concept in August. We brainstormed various ideas and, knowing we had to limit the film to 8 minutes, we decided to focus on Max. Not only is he interesting, intelligent, talented, and unique, we knew he would interview well and we already had a lot of footage of him performing at various Shalom Ukraine events and concerts. Fortunately, we came up with the idea two days before Max was due to visit his father and brother who are still living in Ukraine so, we asked his mother, Natalia, to video the reunion. The rest of the footage came from what the other participants already had, and we used archived footage of our own. Sofia interviewed Max and his mother and then edited all of the footage together.

What in your opinion is the importance of the film?

The fact that it raises awareness about the war in Ukraine and that it is ongoing. We don’t want the world to forget about this war. We also wanted to show how the war has impacted a young person who has dreams and goals and how valuable it is for him to have a project and people who can help those dreams come true, despite the circumstances. We also wanted to pay tribute to Shalom Ukraine – a project that connects like-minded people who have shared experiences and that provides resources to help them deal with the trauma of war.

YouthBridge is all about dialogue, сombating all forms of discrimination, preventing radicalization and antisemitism. And, as the name of the project suggests, it’s not just about young people, but also about “bridges” – a symbol of how the participants of the project come from different communities and, through their participation in the project, engage in a dialogue with different cultures, religions, and ethnicities, therefore, building bridges. 

We have found that the participants of Shalom Ukraine progress more quickly than other refugees because the project YouthBridge gives them the motivation and possibilities to integrate.

153139Shalom UkraineOlga Kotlytska

Do you have a mentor or a personal hero?

(Sofija) My hero is Janusz Korczak and specifically his values of Respect, Dialogue, Humanity, and Participation. These values are so important for young people, particularly participation which is not as common as the other values. I like that Korczak advocated that children should be respected and treated as equals. (See below)

How important is it to you to be a finalist and now winners at the MY HERO 19th International Film Festival?

Said Olga: " It is a huge compliment to be a finalist this year and last. We are delighted to be able to share our story about Max and the Ukraine We threw a wonderful party to celebrate our victory. There were many tears - but unlike the tears that have been flowing since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, these were tears of joy and pride. As our main character Maxim said in the film, all the guys from the "Shalom, Ukraine" project are the real heroes. Each of them deserves to have a film made about them. So MY HERO festival will soon have plenty of films to choose the next winner from! ;)"

Said Sofiia Bondarenko: "When we were informed of our victory, we were filled with a feeling of pride and happiness that our work was appreciated, and we were able to convey the most important meaning inherent in our film. We still have a lot to tell this world, and we feel that this is just the beginning!"

Watch the film HERE.


The Ron Kovic Peace Prize

Ron Kovic is an accomplished author, painter, and activist who has worked for world peace over the last 40 years. As a former Marine Corps sergeant, he served two tours of duty in the Vietnam War before being wounded in combat and paralyzed from the mid-chest down. He went on to become a prominent spokesperson for the anti-war movement and has since addressed the Democratic National Convention in 1976, President Obama and other dignitaries at the 32nd annual Kennedy Center Honors Ceremony in 2009, and Rome's Mayor Gianni Alemanno and other civic leaders as a member of Council for Dignity, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation in 2010. Born on the Fourth of July is an award-winning feature film by Oliver Stone, where Ron Kovic is portrayed by Tom Cruise.

The MY HERO Film Festival is honored to annually bestow the Ron Kovic Peace Prize to the directors of the short films that most effectively address the issue of world peace. Up to $1000 of cash prizes supports the critical efforts of artists and peace activists whose work shows the power of non-violent solutions to our world's troubles. This year there are two winners - a professional film entitled 'War' and a youth group, 'Shalom Ukraine'.

About the MY HERO International Film Festival:

The My Hero Film Festival is an annual event dedicated to showcasing films celebrating the power of the human spirit. Hosted by Eva Haller, a prominent philanthropist and advocate for social change, the festival provides a platform for filmmakers to share inspirational stories of everyday heroes. Thanks to generous sponsors, prizes are awarded to elementary, middle school, high school, college, and professionals in a variety of categories including documentary, narrative, music video, animation, experimental, and more.

The festival aims to inspire audiences to recognize the heroism in their own lives and encourage positive actions in their communities. Learn more.

Join us for the Awards Celebration on Saturday, November 18th at 2pm (PST). Festival winners and their heroes will be on hand to answer questions and share their stories. Short clips from select films will be screened. Awards are given to winners at Elementary, Middle School, High School, College and Professional levels. Register HERE.

*The European Janusz Korczak Academy is a Jewish academy that was founded in 2009. Its goal is to strengthen the Jewish community by imparting knowledge, to open it up, and to reduce fear of contact in every direction. The Academy has earned a reputation as an experienced and competent partner for young and old in educational work, with a special focus on Jewish cultural education and interreligious or intercultural dialogue. See more:

Janusz Korczak

Janusz Korczak was born in 1878 in Poland into a non-religious Jewish family. He pursued a career in medicine and writing, and was a trailblazer in championing education that puts the needs of children at the forefront. He went on to advocate for the rights of children, earning a reputation in Poland as a beloved author of children's books and a radio personality who dispensed astute advice to parents, teachers, and young listeners alike with a blend of humor and candor. He believed that young people should be taken seriously, entitled to a happy childhood and given equal rights to adults.

Page created on 11/1/2023 12:59:40 PM

Last edited 11/14/2023 10:42:24 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

YouthBridge Munich - YouthBridge is the leadership project for young people from Bavaria and the winner of the Bavarian Integration Award in 2021! YouthBridge is a unique successful initiative that was founded in New York in 2003 and made its way to Munich in 2017. The project encourages diversity, creativity, and collaboration and fights against hatred, discrimination and radicalization.