
Sue’s Musings - Book Reviews and Recommendations

by Abigail from UK

Frederick Douglass taught that literacy is the path from slavery to freedom. There are many kinds of slavery and many kinds of freedom, but reading is still the path.

― Carl Sagan

146195Sue BaveySue BaveySue Bavey is an English Mum of two, living in Massachusetts since 2003 with her family. Her blog, Sue's Musings, can be found HERE.

Having always enjoyed reading, at university Sue studied German Studies and wrote her dissertation on ‘Clothing in Arthurian Romance and its Influence on Character Development.’  In order to secure a career in the modern world, she changed direction and went on to complete a Masters in ‘Communication in Computing with Italian’ and worked for many years in London, England in publishing, multimedia project management and website production. Since then, she has freelanced in copywriting and Marketing. During the pandemic, though, and like many others, Sue found she had some spare time and so decided to return to her love of literature. Currently, she is focusing on writing book reviews as featured in her blog as well as a biography Lucky Jack, about her HERO, her grandfather.  


Sue has chosen several books for the MY HERO library that relate to the MY HERO mission of building a bright and better future through promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, one story at a time. 

 Sue’s Recommendations for MY HERO Visitors 

1) The Wind Tide series by Jonathan Nevair 

2) The Drowned Kingdom Saga by P. L Stuart

3) The Maer Cycle Fantasy Trilogy by Dan Fitzgerald

4) Viking Voyager: An Icelandic Memoir by Sverrir Sigurdsson and Veronica Li

5) Indie Spotlight – Rolf Richardson

Page created on 11/19/2021 5:06:16 PM

Last edited 5/17/2022 11:36:35 AM

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